Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Great Salt Lake!

What an impressive sight of such a large body of water and yet so shallow at only 15 feet at it's deepest point. Spanning 70 miles long and nearly 40 miles wide the great lake in Salt Lake City is an awesome sight to see. Finished up with race day #2 and withstood 48 degrees cold rain and wind, wind chills took it into the high 30's and that was way too cold. Tomorrow it is supposed to be a bit warmer and hopefully clear of rain so we can enjoy our last day in SLC before heading homeward bound after the last race about 5:15 tomorrow night. We are back inside the Hotel room warm and safe from the elements outside. Thanks to Terria we were able to do a little sight seeing last night and today through some rustic old towns and parts of the very beautiful Salt Lake City areas. THw university of Utah and the Capital building are both perched high upon the hill and make for interesting traversing. The streets of the city are mostly one way streeets and all numbered in the 100's and west and south, north and East, so different than what we are used to seeing. Another very good day and although cold, made the snuggling and staying warm all the more fun... Damn Good Times!!!!

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