Friday, May 6, 2011

Down and Out, but coming Back!

Feeling really good in comparison to a few days ago, the stomach virus that plagued my body is going away slowly, but surely! Feel good today and know that i must relax and possibly take another Day off from the gym, strength not being all the way back I must rest maybe one more day! As for Terria, the gift of giving was just that, i gave her my dreaded bug and now she fights the aches and pains that i went through but thankfullynot as severe which is a good sign. Not having been sick for 2 years I assumed that the initial sickness would be a big one and well ,I was right!!!! Today i came in on an off day to make up for a day i will take next week for my mothers Knee replacement surgery which she has put off as long as i had my knee surgery. The weekend is going to be a  tranquil one , Terria and I were going to host the fight this weekend but with all the work getting the house ready and the cooking and cleaning of the event we figure we don't have the energy to do it at this time and apologized to the invitees and they all understood. I'm her at work today feeling  a Little blue, knowing my wife is not 100% well and it was because of me. The day of past have are but a glimmer in the rear view and I wonder at times how i put myself there, but realistically finding my way and looking forward to the day in front of me, so much pain and drama in the world and i sometimes feel like a major contributor, when i do look back to this time last year , especially May 3 which was the day i told Terria i was seeing another woman I can't even fathom being that person, for what reasons and what possibly could i be looking for and looking forward to with another person that i know nothing about. The honeymoon phase is easy for everybody and the fun and games are cool, but when you throw a perfectly functioning marriage away for the sake of "WHAT" to try something different is so appalling to me, i get the reasons she did what she  but for me to take that jump was so out of character for me and so not Greg Duran. Yes looking back only makes the future that much better, living and learning more about myself and what really makes this life so important. It's never about Me but more about Us and those around me that matter the most, the very small friend pool that we share and the tight knit family that we are is the most important thing going in our lives. The faith in God to try to be the best person possible and live that "Golden Rule " life that i stress so much and is so important to me! I wish all mothers Happy mothers Day, although the day is a joke as is Valentines Days and all of the other Romaticist bullshit Hallmark created reasons to go commercial on the world. Getting back to basics and showing the people that matter in your life that they do matter, not once a year when society deems it a holiday to do so... Good Times!

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