Monday, May 23, 2011

Something In The Air

I don't know what the hell happened to me today, the day is just a piece of crap and i feel like ending it all right now..the day that is. Starting at 7 am my therapy with Michael went well and helped close the gap on some of my personal issues which sat times get tiring if not old and lame  at the same time. Venture into work and only a few of my trusty co-workers decided to show up so I'm stuck up front and cannot do the needed inspection that i promised and makes me and the office look like clogs, my girls in the office were to do this on Friday but somehow didn't do, or we could have done it today but nobody was here so I can't leave the office. Very frustrating indeed but it's work and not life as we know it, that's another story altogether and has  much deeper reprocutions to it all. so here I am at work , not feeling it at all, feeling like what the fuck is going on today, get the customary text from terria and she feels the same, what the hell, get the call from Ty who is moving out of his apartment and moving to Missouri with his Girlfriend...What the fuck is going on here I swear...really What? Haven't heard from Braz in a few days so of course we worry about him over in the desert and know there is nothing we can do when duty calls! So many little things going on right now, eye appts, Orthopedic Appts, Dental Appts and the fact that Mom is still in the rehab center which is located in a rest home, maybe a few more days and she will be released to come home and get back to normal, funny how I've been to visit her everyday and could go months without seeing her when she is at home. The day is nearing it's end , have an ortho appt to finalize the knee and all is feeling well and able to essentially do whatever I  want with it. It will all settle down i know just dealing with a little more than we are used to but are resilient and will get through the overabundance of stuff going on right now!!!! We live for another day and know the best days are yet to come. On a side not, all you retarded mother fuckers who truly thought the end of the world was upon us because some dickhead said one thing to say to you all! Stupid Assholes. Live another day and accept the fact that the big man decides the Rapture, not the Old man!

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