Friday, May 27, 2011

SLC Tonight! Very Nice

The long day started at 415 am as we departed Oxnard for our destination ...Salt Lake City,Ut. ,arriving after many stops and breaks in the trip for Gas, p breaks and just stopping to stretch the legs we arrived exactly 12 hours after we departed. Checked into a really nice Hampton Inn and were greeted with Hot coffee and great cookies at the counter, even received a call from the front desk asking if everything was ok  and to our satisfaction, of course, hell yes , a very clean room and a nice part of downtown SLC. Only 33 miles from Tooele where the world class race track resides. We have 7 races total and a plethora of events from different classes and bike sizes, to include qualifying and practice sessions! So we are tuckered out and really tired  after our pizza order from a local haunt that delivered to our room with salad and a 2 litre of Diet Soda...fucking incredible food and may have eaten one too many pieces of ZZZZA when I should have had 2 ,I had 3. Took a day off from the gym and was going to use the little gym they have here t the Hotel but don't have the energy and have gone 21 days without a break from the gym so tomorrow I will hit it before we leave for the track in the morning. Terria is a trouper as usual, driving at least half the stint and allowing me to close my eyes and alternate after 2-3 hour turns and it really worked out great. Funny how our boy Ty is attending a funeral in nearby Montana and about 2 1/2 hours away from us with his girlfriend and her family.  He was actually in Salt Lake Today earlier dropping a car car off at the airport here in town,funny how that works? Awaiting the shower after Terria cleans up and will get clothes ready for tomorrow, don't know what the weather will bring, 20-30% chance of rain but tomorrow is the least important day of the 3, not much racing just qualifying and some practice sessions, so it's whatever the racing is secondary to hanging out with Terria and building upon the most incredible relationship a man could ever hope for, so much communication and so much honesty and sharing of thoughts and emotions. The true cornerstones of a relationship are worked on daily and sharing the good ,bad and the ugly is part of the deal, not all roses ,but it's all real and we deal in our realities so very well . I am so very blessed, good news from home , mom coming home from rehab on Sunday, spoke to her tonight and she seems so ready to come home and start to enjoy her new knee, not unlike me and my nearly new 2011 refurb job of my knee. Can't complain about anything and won't, I'm glad we brought our laptops so that I can write and that TErria can communicate with our boy and hope to hear from him soon, apparently on mission as we speak so we think happy , positive thoughts and keep plugging along. This Blog has allowed me to do what I need to do in respects o opening up the doors of communicating with myself, sharing my thoughts and inner demons here allows me a good base and the awareness to find the flaws and see and hear myself falling into patterns which Michael calls ,suppression, and self medicating by self sabotage, I get it more so now and can recognize the patterns and feelings of abandonment eve if for only a few hours, I can now see the light at tunnels end and will strive for the successes that have been mine and for those that are at my fingertips! Tomorrow I do it all over again, with my terria at my side to share her wealth of love, knowledge and understanding in this flawed man who knows too much, thinks too much and suppresses too much at times, but I am getting better ad i feel really good about that! Good Times.. Good Night ,really exhausted and the shower is now free

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