Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just Letting the Mind Race A little

Been thinking about reading one of 8 new books I have sitting in front of me right now, but the lack of interest in reading is really astounding to me at this point in time. I go through stages where I love to read and then  the stop sign of non reading stamps on my forehead. Eventually I will start reading these books again, especially since I just got Frank Schaeffer's new book today and really don't want to finish it and then have to wait  another year for his next book to come out and be totally dazzled again. Either way a very calm and quiet Saturday afternoon, Gym and breakfast done and done now I ready for my niece Karina's 25th Birthday at the Victoria Pub in Ventura and get to hang out with the Lyons klan and definitely not going to be a quiet evening, these folks are as loud as I and I really look forward to hanging with the boys and the nieces as well. I do need to get ready and stop running around in my skivvies and prepare myself, or at least get dressed and ready to leave. Hope to start writing more here again and have convinced myself to start writing poetry again in my hand journal, I really love to write poetry  and or song writing and get back into the swing of the mindset that is required to write that style of writings. Anyway the mind is still running rampant and I do what I do ,how I do it when I do and that's all I know how to do. Be it odd or unorthodox, it's what I do and the mind race is an ongoing issue with me. I cannot simplify my thoughts and life as it seems that I would be limiting myself by slowing it all down and thus not being me, the free flowing , thought provoking fool who at times allows his mind to get i the way of rational and free flowing thoughts by not thinking too much. Whatever the case may be,I will figure it out before it engulfs me and this I know to be true. Look forward to a nice Ducati run somewhere tomorrow, see how the weather hold up, todays it beautiful , tomorrow it could be different. Good ?Times and I'm off to the changing room to put on my big boy Pants

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