Monday, May 9, 2011

So Much On the Plate

It's Monday morning and all is right in the world today, at least for me this fine day. Feeling better after my stomach flu and almost back to full strength, Terria I'm afraid is a few days behind me in her recovery of the same illness. Last night was a very interesting night for T and I and we talked it through to finality! After a long and essentially uneventful mothers day at April's house, a little louder than i would have wanted but par for the course when people get together. I cooked Chicken, Ribs, Ranchera and sliders on the grill, the food was amazing but my appetite was not all the way back and ate very little. Terria and I were surrounded by Brandon and Ty and were missing our Braz who actually was able to call his mom twice Sunday morning from Afghanistan which made her day and yet gave her an uneasy feeling, Braz not really sounding good and seemingly the realities of his duties have kicked in! Upon getting home we relaxed and I headed to the gym for a 45 minute workout to get back some energy by exerting myself into consciousness, or getting with the program as it were.  I was able to watch my World Superbike races that I had Tivo'd and enjoyed those to great length. Knowing in less than 3 weeks we will be at the races in Salt Lake City to watch the World Superbikes and the American superbikes both in their full splendor live and in person at one of the best tracks in the  World at Miller motorpark in Toele Utah, 20 minutes outside of Utah's Capital city of Salt Lake. We are really looking forward to a great time and a great drive of over 800 miles, i love to drive and love my music while i drive so we will be in a good place come the end of the month! Also looking at either going to Chicago or to Boston for a 4 day quick trip to watch either the Sox or the Cubs in Chicago, have n't really decided yet but want to make a trip either one as being the oldest 2 parks still standing , I'm intrigued by the history of it all and the beauty of the game played in these museums called ballparks. Well, getting back to the overload of emotions which sprung up last night, Saturday marked the 1 year anniversary of Ty's accident over the cliff in Ojai and the fact that we were all in a different mindset last mother's day, things have definitely changed since then and have really re-shaped the face of our existence as we speak today. The fact that Braz is essentially unreachable and we wait for him to contact us is really hard, knowing that for the next 15 months we sit back a wait to hear from him whenever we can. So  much pressure put on a 19 year old kid with a wife and a career and not yet living his childhood, as a parent sometimes very discouraging when they want to grow up so quickly and then realize that playing grown up is not all it's cracked up to be when the laws of averages and rules of life take over and seemingly aren't that fair. But as parents we let our kids grow as they must knowing there are times when we wash out hands of the blame and pains that we feel of our mistakes and shortcomings. We have to let the kids evolve, when they don't listen to you anyway , we must still keep preaching, as they grow up and grow older the words of wisdom we give have more and more meaning to them as they understand what we try to teach, but it's in their own time and speed that this occurs. Growing up for me was never a rapid accent, I stayed forever in the depths of childhood and i continue to enjoy my youth even at the age of 48, forever young or so i think anyway!!!! Yeah all seems to be headed in the right direction, we have 15 months of uncertainty and then we really find out what Brandon wants to do with his education and training , as for Ty boy , he's the wildcard and changes with the wind but hopefully he grows up quicker than he has so far and pulls it all together, whatever happens we are bonded tight and strong and know that each is right there side by side to help us along in our trek of uncertainty and times of emptiness, we will survive this and we will get through it all in flying Greg and Terria fashion, by communicating and sharing the thoughts and feelings when they occur, this is the daily ritual that we share and this is how we get stronger everyday and will continue the trend of doing it right and getting shit done.  A very fruitful and prosperous future awaits us and the present aint so bad either, loving life and loving my family to it's fullest , getting better each and every day and always looking for ways to get better. Happy Mondays to all and Good times are here and await our tomorrow!

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