Friday, July 8, 2011

Very Proud of Braz!

                                            Braz pictured top Left..So Proud Son!
This picture makes mom and dad very proud and knowing he's in harms way doesn't make it easier but knowing he's loving what he does and representing this country like his Grandfathers all did is a very defining Moment for us a s parents. Our Boy no longer little, I met Braz and Ty as 5-6 year old and became step dad to them, essentially taught them everything I knew to make their childhood more fulfilling and taught them right from wrong and the ethical way to treat others. God has blessed me with 3 boys, and I enjoy every bot of them, even the hard times and the crazy things that they do. Now they are grown as 25, 19, and 18 year olds and have forged onward in their lives. Makes us very proud to see the boys working on growing as young men and learning life on a daily basis. Thanks Braz and all the troops for the sacrifices that you put in for all of us. Hoping that this meaning less war is over soon and we can bring all of you home soon

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