Saturday, July 9, 2011

Drink, Drunk, Stupid!

June gloom has given way to July as the sun peaks through for an attempt at another perfect southern cal day ! The trip to the Keynote was somewhat comical as Brandon and I laughed a little and thought a little, reflected upon some of the people there last night and how I recognized their drunken asses from 25 years ago at the Black Angus and how they are the people they were back then,drunks and somewhat pathetic people that drink too much and act really stupid!

Alcohol has played a really important part in my life,my father was an alcoholic for most of his life, save for the last 10 years of his life. The scourge embittered my thoughts and ruined part of my childhood in the fact that my dad was a mean person when he drank, quite the opposite when he wasn't drinking. This always stayed with me growing up how it changed people and who they really were. So much that when I drink, or used to drink it would change me and make me too happy and too friendly with others and not an acceptable trait to have in my book. So I quit drinking about 2 1/2 years ago and never looked back, here I am today having more fun being myself than that person that alcohol made me out to be.

I just don't see how people can drink so often and so much, the pains of recuperation are horrible these days , and I remember my last drunk fest at my sister Linda 50th birthday party I got hammered, both Brandon and I drank  at least 15 mixed drinks and then proceeded to be dropped off at the Keynote for a half dozen more and dammit did I feel it for the next week. Well I am so glad I don't do that anymore and enjoy the fact that I am the worlds designated driver for the rest of my life from  here on out.

As  said the drinking issues within my family and that are visible to me on a daily basis have ruined and re shaped many lives, what I saw at the Keynote last night was a reminder that the answers fall not within that bottle of brew, but somehow looking deeper inside to find that missing piece that alcohol supposedly replaces. Beer and drinks taste like shit, regardless of what kind or mix...period!, they taste like ass and the feeling that you get from them only makes us regret what we said or did the night before  if we can remember what was said or done?   There's a time for everything and drinking is ok if you can moderate, too many stories of the inability to moderate and then get out and try to drive the streets  which is another story altogether.

I am so glad that I don't have to worry about this anymore, never truly had a problem with it but could see one brewing if I wasn't careful and diligent with my own honesty about the potential to be one of those guys who drinks too much and fucks up  his life too much, I don't need the help,I'm capable of making my own mistakes without the assistance of alcohol God knows I've tried to sabotage the goodness I have and am capable of producing, and need no further assistance in the process. Looking forward to another great day and a ride,breakfast,the gym and a great day spent with my Terria to enjoy and hold the goodness ever closer to me!!!!

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