Thursday, July 7, 2011

Alive And Kicking

Feeling really tired today, too much pool and gym the last week has really worn me down! Will I, not a chance I like the feeling of having a sore body if not minor pains ands ailments, Keeps me grounded !As for the day It is going to be warm and humid again but we cannot complain, this is very mild in comparison to most places in the country and I understand why we pay so much for everything in Southern California... The Weather

A whole lot of stuff going on in the world, don't get me started on the wars and the ongoing bullshit that continues to occur. But that's for another day and time, that stuff will continue with or without my concern. The debt ceiling crap is also a very important dog and pony show that will probably see the Democrats give in and give away the house to get the Republicans to agree to something. such a tired adage of no taxes and smaller government , while they use the rhetoric and ideology, the country falls further into trouble and they continue using their outdated methodology of thinking while the country falls further into debt while the Rich continue to NOT pay their fair share of taxes....oh well fuck em all I say!!!!

I have so many things to gripe about but really don't want to waste too much energy, the important thing is that my world is golden and have nothing to complain about, the world outside my own is a different story altogether. People are so funny to me, the fact that there are so many factions of stupidity is amazing to me!! i scratch my head at the political nonsense that's going on which explains the fact that i have never voter or even registered, cannot be a part of that hypocrisy even though people say it is an American right, to me it's the same a pro life versus pro choice, let me choose whatever the hell I want to do and let the people who need to judge do their job, not the commoners and regular dumbasses who carry around bibles saying their saved! Saved from what, themselves, their false sense of security and prosperity and a belonging to something that is very personal, but they have to make sure the cameras are running and the stickers on the car to indicate"I'm saved and better than you who is not" Fuck that crap! Grandstanding Christians are the most dangerous people in the world, look at the Republican base of things, those are dog shit choices if i were a Republican, but I'm neither,I just govern under the rules of common sense and the golden rule and the simplest ways to treat people well, be treated equally well and be honest in my efforts to do so.

So much for letting it go and not venting upon the worldly issues of the day, but what the hell am I supposed to do, I can bore myself to death speaking of how awesome my life is and how wonderful my wife is all of the time, i do that incrementally and in smaller doses that maybe I should, but know that I am in a great place with great people and have the answers to most of the issues that arise on a given day with the aforementioned common sense and a little higher than normal life IQ and social skills. Life Isn't that difficult until we make it so. A good day and great time to be alive and well, Beats the Piss out of the alternative.... right!!!!!

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