Monday, July 4, 2011

Music, Motorcycles and Fireworks !

When I'm feeling a little blah the one thing that brings me back is music, the great sounds of yesteryear have yet to leave this body and soul and don't know if they ever will. Sitting here waiting for the gang to get back from the Dodger game I try to occupy my mind and the time with some flashbacks of music that touched my life and reminded me of a different time in my life where things were simple and the penalties for fucking something up weren't as steep...progress I guess?

The day essentially spent alone was actually a mentally productive afternoon, after the gym and a short break of nothing,I had a chance to ride the bike today and get out on the road for a quick spin, for some reason a very different ride for me as I thought the whole time I was riding, about family and the workweek, all things that I shouldn't do while I ride the motorcycle and actually had to correct myself 3 or four times with no panic just mere daydreaming for some stupid reason.The bike rides so damn nice and does everything I ask it to that it seems like a bore at times but looking down at the speedo it is anything from boring when you see it from that perspective, speed has a way of energizing and keeping things in perspective.  feel like I'm actually back to where I was in November 2009  but even better than that, the whole processing danger versus fun factor has a much clearer point , I ride hard where I know I can and it's safe, other places where I would push it I no longer do,  it saved my life on Friday's ride as a car crossed over the double lines to turn into a lookout, knowing this could happen I slowed to a snails pace just in case that would happen, it did, I stopped in time and lived to tell about it, 2 years ago the turn would have been taken at 65 mph without fear of reprocutions,now taken at 30-35mph and well I am safe as a result of this new found awareness. No more invincibility for me, I proved that to not be the case anymore so wisdom wins out.

Actually had nearly 5 days off from work and am truly ready to get back into it again, miss the job and the people and the fact that I am so damn lucky to have a job and one that is such an incredible place to be on a daily basis. So I await Terria and Brandon,Tim and Ape coming home from LA.the stopped at Tommy's for round 2 of chili dogs and heartburn,I stayed home to watch the Dogs during the firecrackers as they get upset, not too bad tonight but there were rattled a bit, and the fact that I refuse to watch the Dodgers until they change ownership and  get rid of the jackass Mccourt running the team and robbing the city and their fans of the great tradition that we have had since they left Brooklyn. So the team will be sold eventually and things will get better and everybody will be happy again. So work in the morning and gym afterwards then we see what we shall see..Good days ahead!

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