Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Mind, My body, My views....My My My!

Feeling a little worn out today from too much pool time last night at the gym, even the Spa didn't help afterwards, just made me more tired is all!   Terria finished round one of the planter beds and just received a picture text indicating that round two is nearly complete, all that's missing are the flowers and plants, maybe even a smallish tree of some sort?? The yard is taking shape and the day is looking like a nice one so far with the sun beaming down and looking like a mid 70's day here in the Nard.

I am glad to feel like writing right now, been awhile since I've been freely able to come here and scribe something that wasn't somewhat forced and thought about too heavily, this morning feel like spewing a little Gregasaurus madness, or whatever 830 am can muster up which may not be too much but something nonetheless! Yeah still trying to get into my second cup of coffee, the first one was done perfectly by Terria on my way to work. Thanks for the wake up call BTW!

Day three of eating better and feeling better already , slept really well last night even with the Sciatica still flaring up at times, more at odd times and really can't gauge as to the severity, just fighting through it and stretching it as much as possible and working it out daily. Truly hoping the thing settles down before we leave for Chicago next Thursday but will deal with whatever i have going by then. Whatever the case may be I expect this trip like all of our others will produce some really good times and allow the chance to see and do things we have never done before , in a place that we've never been, next stop New York!

It was really nice getting back into the swing of watching my old friend Keith Olbermann and his new show, almost the same as his old show on MSNBC but actually less in cumbered and a little freer to do his own thing. I can truly get behind anybody who exposes the Republicans for what they are, a bunch of hate monger , non truth telling hypocrites who have and will continue to be exposed for trying to bring down the President even at the risk of destroying the economy and the country for their own agenda, which at times seems to be racially motivated and geared towards dwelling on the negative and not seeing the goodness that has come from the new regime. but the fact tat billionaires get tax breaks and we don't is amazing to me, big business really does  run this country ,if not the Republican house these days. but the Republican base is a joke, the fact that there is no agenda for the country but to dethrone our current President. Yes he's an American, born here, not a Nazi or the Messiah as they claim just a guy who made changes that people aren't used to, but with 8 years of Bush's Bullshit leadership and 2 phony wars for his own agenda and gain, Halliburton too, Dick Cheney. I'm all for smaller govt. but not at the cost of doing it right, when the shit gets broken we fix it as a nation, we saved the auto industry and a million jobs with that too but credit will never be given and t5hose Republicans who opposed to relief bailout are looking pretty stupid when the big 3 just made big profits and saved a million jobs via the trickle down effect of the auto industry staying solvent . Those Nay sayers can go fuck them selves when it comes to our President , he is a man of character and a man of his word, he will stop the Afghan and Iraqi conflicts sooner than later and bring back the support to fight the fight here at home and get this country back on track and to quit spending as Olbermann stated ($20 billion) on Air Conditioning for the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, all that money for AC, when we shouldn't even be there at all. Must be nice Bush and Cheney made billions on those wars.

As I said .,I'm all for smaller Govt. but want to understand something before I go, The anti abortion nut jobs, or the Republican base , the biblical wizards that they claim to be,even while throwing hatred and lies all about and trying to weaken a nation with rhetoric and idealism. So by saying we can't have a choice in abortion, aren't they as Govt playing a bigger part in our daily decisions and yet they say they want the govt to be smaller, just one example of the hypocrisy that the far right base is so accustomed to living on a daily basis. Ok, I'm done with the spew and rant and rave of my dislike for the hypocritical far right republicans is now officially over, Til 5 pm tonight when I watch Keith Slay them again and have me in stitches

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