Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day Off, Trip Ready!!!

Took today off to prepare for my trip later this evening and have a few things  want to do. First off wanted to have breakfast with my wife in the house today, Check that one off,very good Honey thank you! secondly Terria is going to get her nails done while my food goes down a bit, when she returns going to the gym for part 2 of the plan of attack for the day. After that  want to head out for an hour short ride just to stretch the legs of the bike and get me out there doing what I love to do as it will be a week til I can do it again.

Yes we are looking forward to our trip and have so many expectations as to what we will see and what we will do while there, the plans of driving the city and countryside of adjoining towns and sites is really appealing to us both and we hope we can fit in the plans we have and see what we want to see while there. Really nice to get a red eye flight which arrives at 6 am Chicago time and allows us a full day and nothing wasted on that first day there.Get the rental car and head out and see the sights and sounds and look for anything we can find.Can't check into the Hotel til 3 so we can spend the day getting accustomed to the city of Chicago while waiting for our room to be ready.

Tim and April were nice enough to offer up a ride and pickup to LAX for the trip and that really is cool for us as we won't have to park the car and get a ride back to the car, we have both dropped off and picked up at the airport so we have no problem asking somebody to do the same for us as a seemingly fair trade for everybody, there was talk of a trip to Norms in Santa Monica on the way which as most know is a freak show of LA's finest ghouls and ghostly looking people for the admission price of the cheap dinners at Norms, a good deal and we shall treat the McCarthy's for their kindness by treating them to a show and some grub for their efforts of getting us to the airport on time!

I really didn't need to take today off from work but I figured I wouldn't have to rush and wouldn't forget anything and could rest up a bit and take it easy and be bright eyed for tonight when we get on the plane at midnight, losing 2 hours in Chicago will put us there at 6 am and right into their Friday morning rush hour which should be nice to compare to LA's rush hour to say the least. But it will be nice to drive and see the city the way it is meant to be seen, the pulse and heartbeat are always during the rush hour so I will enjoy the ride and the drive through some historical places and even some shitty ones if I get a chance. Hope to get some good pictures to post here and some nice videos as well, the day is short and the chore of getting ready using procrastination as a model will take forever at this rate, but time is on our side...yes it is!

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