Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So Many Miles,Going Home Tomorrow

Over the past 3 days we have covered 1100 miles of driven roads and highways through the heartland of America. In our travels from route 66 in downtown Chicago to freeways leading us to South Bend Indiana and the University of Notre Dame. This venture to ND was incredible, so many good pictures were taken and so many lifetime memories will me maintained forever. We have caught 2 Baseball games ,one at Wrigley watching the Cubs and then we drove to Detroint,some 4 hours away and watched the Tigers in their new digs at Comerica Park and had a very nice time in the motor city. after the game we wentto a local Mcdonalds in the shittiest part of town and then washed up and cleaned up a little and changed into dinner clothes. . we then went to the Detroit westin Hotel, 2 blocks from the ghetto and checked in for our 5:30 reservation which we were seated right at the reservation time and started off with a drink...2 diet sodas, not drinkers but we enjoyed the coolness of the drinks, we then looked through the menus and came to our final selections, we started off with the most incredible Scallops and devoured them quickly, munching on bread we waited for the Ribeye with carmelized onions and blue cheese topping to come, Terria had an amazing fish platter with sides of rosemary fries and creamed corn to die for. We savored the flavors and the amazing company that we shared and finished our dinner with smiles. Our waiter Mike , an amazing young man with personality and food knowledge suggested some dessert selections. I chose the chocolate torte not knowing what to expect, Terria enjoyed the butterscotch creme Brulee which looked amazing when it came to be served. We dug into what was the best desserts we have ever eaten ,mine was the deadliest chcolate anything I had ever eaten...period, Terria claims hers was to die for as well, not being a huge. Fan of Brulee I am not a good judge of that, she says it was and enjoyed it so it was awesome for us both.

After the amazingly incredible meal we shared together we headed ba ck to Indiana for what would be a day to never forget for me at least. we headed back towards South Bend and the famous university of Notre Dame. we were tired so we stopped at a small motel about 30 miles outsideof Sout Bend, we slept well and hard and woke up refreshed and excited at the days plans to see the College I always waned to attend as a. Child and still follow them today! we get the to College after a little searching and watch the eyes get hugs like that of a child in a candy store with $50 in my pocket, in total awe at my dream college I took pictures of everything that I knew to be notorious and of importance. started off with the new Joyce hall next to the old athletic and con voca,tion center where Notre Dame ended UCLA's Basketball streak of 88 games on that very court, I remember crying as a kid watching Bill Walton and Dave Meyers miss relatively easy shots for them to win the game and watching then Keith Wilkes grab the ball and throw in the air in disgust, yeah I was at the plae that replacd that old arena but it was still there attached to the new one.As we entered the Arena we saw a Baton Twirling contest being waged on center court,really cool stuff watching thick legged girls throwing sticks in the air and catching them. we headed out of the gym and went to the attached Athletic store to buys hats and T shirts for family and friends that all had The famous ND emblem on them. I then went to the football stadium and took pictures of it from a few different angles, took pictures of what they call Touchdown Jesus and wall across from the Stadium with a jesus pictured with arms spread to appear to signal a touchdown, whatever the signal may be either a religious Gesture of a real touchdown signification who knows?????lastly I was able to get a few great pictures of the Golden Dome at the University.....Awesome so far!

After we finished with ND, we drove to Inndianapolis, a 3 hour drive with a few detours and sight seeing of Americas heartland in Indiana of fields of corn for 100's of miles and bio fuel head quarters I thinK? we drove to view the vaunted Indianapolis race track where they race Indy cars and Nascar at the huge 2 1/2 mile oval ,we find it no thanks to signage, California has the best signage anywhere, Indy had nothing indicating where this famous landmark was, no offramp signs but my navigator Terria had it covered and pointed me in the right direction thanks to her Blackberry Navigational skills. we found it and toured it through gates and fences, took a video of the enormity of it all and will share most everything I took. When I can get home to my own Mac computer and share the videos and pictures easier from the friendly confines of my own lapper. Indy was cool. But in the damn ghetto like everything else in these parts. We noticed a sign on the offramp for Butler University and remembered it was in the city of Indy and got instantly jazzed about the possiblities of seeing the famous and historic Hinkle Fieldhouse, built in the early 1920 and the scene of great Basketball and the gym used in the Movie Hoosiers and still being used by the Butler Bulldogs. we were able to get into the gym and take pictures and videos of this incredible facility, much more amazing to me than most eveything of the day,tough to choose what was more impressive to me the University of ND, or Butler University??. Glad I got the chance to experience both and will never forget the trip to these awesome Universities!

while in Indy we did also cruise through and see the Lucas Oil Stadium ,home of the Colts, and the Conseco fieldhouse ,home of the Pacers . On our way out we even ran into the AAA indy ballclub having a game in progress which was a state of the art facility and looked awesome, much nicer than the delapadated facility that we passed by which I assumed was the old ballpark but a. Trip of nastalgia for me to see an old ballpark let to go to ruins ,very sad for me!

today we did the touristy thing and took the tour bus throuout the city, essentially saw every inch of the city, allot of history in the great city of Chicago and we were tired after a good lunch and an even better rest of the day of learning a little bit more amazing history of the great city of Chicago. we have plans to forego the Cubs game and spend some time at the Navy Pier tomorrow afternoon, then head to the airport by 5 ish for the 7 something flight back to LA I have had a great time with Erria andthe act that she has been up to everythi I wanted to do is testament to how amazing she truly is. Thanks Honey for the grestest trip ever, at least til the next one we take together. miss my Boys and family and will be glad to get back home and to work and back to the gym, eating poorly and missing the gym will be good to get back to the routine of being better to my body. love you all ,thanks again
Terria Lynn you are awesome!
Cubs game and

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