Thursday, July 28, 2011

Silence Is Golden

It's so amazing to me that i realize that I really have nothing to say, nothing of value ,other than to me and my opinions, or ego! Seems so funny that the years of expression and the countless bits of writing and spew over the years have replaced my need to infringe upon other peoples time or their ear bendings that I have always run away from, never wanted to bother anybody with my issues, my problems or my life. My life is incredible, the things i do and have are really cool but yet I share with no one and feel good about that fact.
My world is very small these days, my friends are few and far between visits with Scott, Or Shawn, Brad and Chris, other than that i am very alone and very duty free socially  and i like it like that. Seems so weird when my best friend Scott can go a year or months without talking or seeing  each other and boom out of the blue we connect as if the time was yesterday since we last spoke, i love that guy and know he is the real deal and will always have a place in my life for Mr. hunt! The same is true for the rest of my buddies , each one so different from the next, so damn cool to have such a good sample of life in and amongst my friends and the disparities are too many to list here.

As I previously stated the blogosphere is a dying thing for me, I push away a bit and get back to the roots of what makes me tick, I dig and dig and still look for that special something that will invigorate my thoughts and my mind to do something truly positive to get me where i think I'd like to be. That's just the thing, i' don't know where i want to be and don't, or can't really pinpoint anything that pushes me in that direction to seek and destroy that missing piece of whatever it is I'd like to see or feel. Through my therapy with Morales there has been some things that came out but nothing that hit me over the head and say" That's it" nothing just the same old suppression of feelings which I attribute to my need for privacy and sharing very little. This Blog has never been a true depiction of what i feel, it scratches the surface of what land I'm in but never really opened myself up to allow anybody to get too close or truly understand what this man is all about. I am what I am and that has always been a mind wandering seeker of the next best thing, whatever it may be , lack of worthiness, i think not , suppression of feelings, Not really! I get my shit dome and don't really drape around waiting for shit to take care of itself, so not really sure if therapy has helped me or confused me. I just know I am not going anymore and for no fault of Morales i can say that it has allowed me to think deeper and as he puts it" Go deeper in to Suppression mode, for I don't want to feel" Well i feel plenty and I share enough with my Wife to know that i don't ever stop feeling or sharing I just don't leave it out there for too long.

So as I close this I can honestly say, I feel good about where I am and even where i have been, the mistakes I have made have made me better, made me realize that I had some things to look deeper into and i have. I can't stay in the constant state of analyzing and think that somebody else is going to snap me into a place that I don't agree that I  have strayed away from, but that s my mindset , that's where I am and I break my shit and I try to fix my shit. I can't be perfect, don't ever want to be perfect and take me as I am with flaws all..I certainly have to!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Realizations

I Don't really know what happened to me yesterday, the foulest mood I've been in a long time, so much so that i left work at lunch before i was going to kill somebody at work, be it customer or co-worker? Regardless of the mood there came a realization for me that I am a better person than i give myself credit for, and that all the therapeutic jibberish about suppression this and expressing that are a crock to me at this point, led myself to believe that there was really something wrong with me and that the mistakes of last year are just that ,mistakes, not death sentences that we hold onto like AIDs or a Cancer but things that have solutions, i have fixed myself and moreso forgiven myself for the dirty deeds of last year and have moved on in my head and in my daily life.

I move forward and will enjoy the things that i enjoy and will no long suppress those likes for the sake of somebody else, I am not a broken person and not a person who will ever venture back to the likes of last years debacle. I have grown as a person  and as that person was never truly far of from where i needed to be, just to realize that I don't have to do it alone and can lean on my wife and family is a life lesson that i shall never forget. I like most other human beings has an albatross that lingers, mine will no longer impede my progress onto bigger and better things in this life and will surround myself with positive and honest people, the few friends that i do have are priceless and I do appreciate them all, they all know who they are and regardless of how often i see them they are true to me and my everyday. So being thankful for the family and friends that surround me and embracing the love and kindness will never go away. My writing on this and other sites will be little to none from here on out ,I've used this place as a crutch too long now and must move on and along in my life without the co-dependency off reading , writing or anything else that i have held onto for so long. Good bye for now!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Golden Dome,TouchDown Jesus and Notre Dame Stadium

Butler University's Historic Hinkle Fieldhouse

The Fieldhouse!
I was a kid in a candy shop when I was able to get in here and take this short clip...amazing!

Chicago Skyline

A view from the bottom of the Sears tower and a view from the Navy Pier. The Weather was very hot and very nice to be in. Such a memorable trip

President Obama's Chicago home

This picture was taken under duress as the secret Service agent was watching us and rushed us away , not before Terria took the pictures and was well worth it, thanks to Terria for risking taking a bullet for the cause and this picture will be one of my favorites of all time. The Orange home in the middle is the President's home when he's away from Washington D.C

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So Many Miles,Going Home Tomorrow

Over the past 3 days we have covered 1100 miles of driven roads and highways through the heartland of America. In our travels from route 66 in downtown Chicago to freeways leading us to South Bend Indiana and the University of Notre Dame. This venture to ND was incredible, so many good pictures were taken and so many lifetime memories will me maintained forever. We have caught 2 Baseball games ,one at Wrigley watching the Cubs and then we drove to Detroint,some 4 hours away and watched the Tigers in their new digs at Comerica Park and had a very nice time in the motor city. after the game we wentto a local Mcdonalds in the shittiest part of town and then washed up and cleaned up a little and changed into dinner clothes. . we then went to the Detroit westin Hotel, 2 blocks from the ghetto and checked in for our 5:30 reservation which we were seated right at the reservation time and started off with a drink...2 diet sodas, not drinkers but we enjoyed the coolness of the drinks, we then looked through the menus and came to our final selections, we started off with the most incredible Scallops and devoured them quickly, munching on bread we waited for the Ribeye with carmelized onions and blue cheese topping to come, Terria had an amazing fish platter with sides of rosemary fries and creamed corn to die for. We savored the flavors and the amazing company that we shared and finished our dinner with smiles. Our waiter Mike , an amazing young man with personality and food knowledge suggested some dessert selections. I chose the chocolate torte not knowing what to expect, Terria enjoyed the butterscotch creme Brulee which looked amazing when it came to be served. We dug into what was the best desserts we have ever eaten ,mine was the deadliest chcolate anything I had ever eaten...period, Terria claims hers was to die for as well, not being a huge. Fan of Brulee I am not a good judge of that, she says it was and enjoyed it so it was awesome for us both.

After the amazingly incredible meal we shared together we headed ba ck to Indiana for what would be a day to never forget for me at least. we headed back towards South Bend and the famous university of Notre Dame. we were tired so we stopped at a small motel about 30 miles outsideof Sout Bend, we slept well and hard and woke up refreshed and excited at the days plans to see the College I always waned to attend as a. Child and still follow them today! we get the to College after a little searching and watch the eyes get hugs like that of a child in a candy store with $50 in my pocket, in total awe at my dream college I took pictures of everything that I knew to be notorious and of importance. started off with the new Joyce hall next to the old athletic and con voca,tion center where Notre Dame ended UCLA's Basketball streak of 88 games on that very court, I remember crying as a kid watching Bill Walton and Dave Meyers miss relatively easy shots for them to win the game and watching then Keith Wilkes grab the ball and throw in the air in disgust, yeah I was at the plae that replacd that old arena but it was still there attached to the new one.As we entered the Arena we saw a Baton Twirling contest being waged on center court,really cool stuff watching thick legged girls throwing sticks in the air and catching them. we headed out of the gym and went to the attached Athletic store to buys hats and T shirts for family and friends that all had The famous ND emblem on them. I then went to the football stadium and took pictures of it from a few different angles, took pictures of what they call Touchdown Jesus and wall across from the Stadium with a jesus pictured with arms spread to appear to signal a touchdown, whatever the signal may be either a religious Gesture of a real touchdown signification who knows?????lastly I was able to get a few great pictures of the Golden Dome at the University.....Awesome so far!

After we finished with ND, we drove to Inndianapolis, a 3 hour drive with a few detours and sight seeing of Americas heartland in Indiana of fields of corn for 100's of miles and bio fuel head quarters I thinK? we drove to view the vaunted Indianapolis race track where they race Indy cars and Nascar at the huge 2 1/2 mile oval ,we find it no thanks to signage, California has the best signage anywhere, Indy had nothing indicating where this famous landmark was, no offramp signs but my navigator Terria had it covered and pointed me in the right direction thanks to her Blackberry Navigational skills. we found it and toured it through gates and fences, took a video of the enormity of it all and will share most everything I took. When I can get home to my own Mac computer and share the videos and pictures easier from the friendly confines of my own lapper. Indy was cool. But in the damn ghetto like everything else in these parts. We noticed a sign on the offramp for Butler University and remembered it was in the city of Indy and got instantly jazzed about the possiblities of seeing the famous and historic Hinkle Fieldhouse, built in the early 1920 and the scene of great Basketball and the gym used in the Movie Hoosiers and still being used by the Butler Bulldogs. we were able to get into the gym and take pictures and videos of this incredible facility, much more amazing to me than most eveything of the day,tough to choose what was more impressive to me the University of ND, or Butler University??. Glad I got the chance to experience both and will never forget the trip to these awesome Universities!

while in Indy we did also cruise through and see the Lucas Oil Stadium ,home of the Colts, and the Conseco fieldhouse ,home of the Pacers . On our way out we even ran into the AAA indy ballclub having a game in progress which was a state of the art facility and looked awesome, much nicer than the delapadated facility that we passed by which I assumed was the old ballpark but a. Trip of nastalgia for me to see an old ballpark let to go to ruins ,very sad for me!

today we did the touristy thing and took the tour bus throuout the city, essentially saw every inch of the city, allot of history in the great city of Chicago and we were tired after a good lunch and an even better rest of the day of learning a little bit more amazing history of the great city of Chicago. we have plans to forego the Cubs game and spend some time at the Navy Pier tomorrow afternoon, then head to the airport by 5 ish for the 7 something flight back to LA I have had a great time with Erria andthe act that she has been up to everythi I wanted to do is testament to how amazing she truly is. Thanks Honey for the grestest trip ever, at least til the next one we take together. miss my Boys and family and will be glad to get back home and to work and back to the gym, eating poorly and missing the gym will be good to get back to the routine of being better to my body. love you all ,thanks again
Terria Lynn you are awesome!
Cubs game and

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Chicago Day 2

Day two of Chicago has included so much starting with a trip via L train to Wrigley Field to watch the Cubs play the Marlins. The train was packed and the feeling of sardines came to mind for the 15 minute trip from the station near the Hotel to the field. Once at the shrine called Wrigley field we entered the seating area and were in awe that this field nearly 100 years old seemed to take us back to that era if only for a moment.

The game started and I had taken a few pictures of the field and the surroundings and was so much in awe the game was inconsequential even though my favorite player thatbI spoke of highly to Terria before the gsme started, Mike Stanton then went on to hit two long Homeruns to prove my point, the Cub fans were very good and stayed to the end of an 11-3 game and they are die hard loyal fans fillingnthis stadium with a team thats 20 games below 500. The game ends and we rush to the L train depot and this is where it gers really interesting

we board the train that had too many people on it already and added 75 more, how the hell was I going to make it with some strangers armpit in my ear and mine in somebody elses face but I managed to make it without killing anyobody and got out and. Took a huge breath and felt like I was liberated from a Sardine can. The half mile walk back to the hotel from the station was a welcomed event and strething the legs a little felt good.

Tonight we are relaxing and getting amped up for the 4 hour drive to Detroit in the morning, catching the 105 Tigers white sox game. Hope to getbthere around 1030 or so and drive a little bit in Detroit and take some good pictures of the area and then head to the game and enjoy another game and another great experience together with Terria. After the game we are headed for a nice Dinner and then head towards Soutg end and the city which houses the University of Notre Dame. We will then t ake a tour of the campus and some more pictures of the the College I always wanted to attend and play for.

Then we make a quick detour towards Indianapolis for more site seeing,heading back to Chicago on Monday to do some city tours via the double decker bus,so touristy but a good way to ge a rundown of the city and things that we. Dont know about the windy city. so more pictures incoming and hope to see everything that we want to see. More things as they happen......A very good time. For sure

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day Off, Trip Ready!!!

Took today off to prepare for my trip later this evening and have a few things  want to do. First off wanted to have breakfast with my wife in the house today, Check that one off,very good Honey thank you! secondly Terria is going to get her nails done while my food goes down a bit, when she returns going to the gym for part 2 of the plan of attack for the day. After that  want to head out for an hour short ride just to stretch the legs of the bike and get me out there doing what I love to do as it will be a week til I can do it again.

Yes we are looking forward to our trip and have so many expectations as to what we will see and what we will do while there, the plans of driving the city and countryside of adjoining towns and sites is really appealing to us both and we hope we can fit in the plans we have and see what we want to see while there. Really nice to get a red eye flight which arrives at 6 am Chicago time and allows us a full day and nothing wasted on that first day there.Get the rental car and head out and see the sights and sounds and look for anything we can find.Can't check into the Hotel til 3 so we can spend the day getting accustomed to the city of Chicago while waiting for our room to be ready.

Tim and April were nice enough to offer up a ride and pickup to LAX for the trip and that really is cool for us as we won't have to park the car and get a ride back to the car, we have both dropped off and picked up at the airport so we have no problem asking somebody to do the same for us as a seemingly fair trade for everybody, there was talk of a trip to Norms in Santa Monica on the way which as most know is a freak show of LA's finest ghouls and ghostly looking people for the admission price of the cheap dinners at Norms, a good deal and we shall treat the McCarthy's for their kindness by treating them to a show and some grub for their efforts of getting us to the airport on time!

I really didn't need to take today off from work but I figured I wouldn't have to rush and wouldn't forget anything and could rest up a bit and take it easy and be bright eyed for tonight when we get on the plane at midnight, losing 2 hours in Chicago will put us there at 6 am and right into their Friday morning rush hour which should be nice to compare to LA's rush hour to say the least. But it will be nice to drive and see the city the way it is meant to be seen, the pulse and heartbeat are always during the rush hour so I will enjoy the ride and the drive through some historical places and even some shitty ones if I get a chance. Hope to get some good pictures to post here and some nice videos as well, the day is short and the chore of getting ready using procrastination as a model will take forever at this rate, but time is on our side...yes it is!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Winding Up To Vacation

A rather stuffy and humid day today at work, had very few customers this morning and waited for the 1130 lunch bell as there was a going away lunch for our director today. I chose to get my own lunch and then head out to the driving range and hit some golf balls,  all went very well.  Today marks a very short countdown to getting out of town tomorrow night and heading to Chicago for a little R&R with Terria.

Let's see, a whole lot of political garbage going on in this country right now ,the Republicans fighting the system and the Democrats allowing the bullshit to continue, just hit em with a hammer and make the pests go away is all that is needed.  Other than that the world is full of shit right now, the guilty people being set free (Casey Anthony) the new milleniums version of the O.J trial, all the more idea of the bullshit that can happen in a jury trial, put simpletons on the stage and allow them to do what they do best, think like morons! So enough of the negativity that surrounds and engulfs this country's everyday!

After work I need a workout to loosen a tight body and get myself ready for a long night tomorrow night on a red-eye flight at midnight and an early arrival in Chicago which will allow us the chance to tour the town before we check in at the hotel at 2 or so, regardless I am looking forward to a good trip and a fun time with my Wife, never have been to Chicago and hear it's a pretty cool town, I will go off my program one meal at a time and enjoy a meal a day that is really bad for me and try to workout everyday to keep me in the groove. Cannot wait to see Wrigley field and Soldier field in Chicago, even the United Center and the Sears tower , but it will be interesting to something for the first time and not be at odds with the clock, just enjoying the new surroundings with my Terria and hanging and traveling the surrounding areas to venture and see new shit!

Did get a text from my Friend Chancey and he is now out of work and will work on writing the book that he has wanted to write his entire life, now is the chance for him to do and i wished him well and hope to see him soon! The rest of my friends are all doing well, Nevarez has put in his order for pictures of the Notre Dame Campus and the Baseball stadiums at Wrigley and Comerica in Detroit so that will be done, the same for my brother Rich who wanted me to do the same and take good pictures. So i will and i know the time will fly by rapidly and try to squeeze as much in as we can and may miss some things along the way but as i always say to anybody who knows me "It's not where you're at , It's who you're with that truly matters" So true, i will be with my Honey and the rest is extra and I'm enjoying it all. Living the blessed life and the Dream, I am the Gregasaurus and continue to act accordingly... Good times... Still

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Good Day!

The day is halfway gone and finally get my first sense of food for the day! been very slow and uneventful and the ways it usually is .Speaking of the way it usually is the same people are not at work today which can shift the brunt of the work towards one or two people in the office  Not that big of a deal with the ethical question arises to give the job to somebody who wants to come to work and that can make it to work on a daily basis. What we do is not that difficult and we get paid well for the little we do!  So as await my Chile verde Omelette and the "galloping Hen in Ventura I am without Terria today ,she and the sister and nieces and nephew went to the water park for he day n leave me to my own wits as to what to do with my time after work...let's see, the gym, the driving range and whatever else can do to make the day go well without my Terria. Well the food here I am out and am going to enjoy this monstrosity                                            

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Drink, Drunk, Stupid!

June gloom has given way to July as the sun peaks through for an attempt at another perfect southern cal day ! The trip to the Keynote was somewhat comical as Brandon and I laughed a little and thought a little, reflected upon some of the people there last night and how I recognized their drunken asses from 25 years ago at the Black Angus and how they are the people they were back then,drunks and somewhat pathetic people that drink too much and act really stupid!

Alcohol has played a really important part in my life,my father was an alcoholic for most of his life, save for the last 10 years of his life. The scourge embittered my thoughts and ruined part of my childhood in the fact that my dad was a mean person when he drank, quite the opposite when he wasn't drinking. This always stayed with me growing up how it changed people and who they really were. So much that when I drink, or used to drink it would change me and make me too happy and too friendly with others and not an acceptable trait to have in my book. So I quit drinking about 2 1/2 years ago and never looked back, here I am today having more fun being myself than that person that alcohol made me out to be.

I just don't see how people can drink so often and so much, the pains of recuperation are horrible these days , and I remember my last drunk fest at my sister Linda 50th birthday party I got hammered, both Brandon and I drank  at least 15 mixed drinks and then proceeded to be dropped off at the Keynote for a half dozen more and dammit did I feel it for the next week. Well I am so glad I don't do that anymore and enjoy the fact that I am the worlds designated driver for the rest of my life from  here on out.

As  said the drinking issues within my family and that are visible to me on a daily basis have ruined and re shaped many lives, what I saw at the Keynote last night was a reminder that the answers fall not within that bottle of brew, but somehow looking deeper inside to find that missing piece that alcohol supposedly replaces. Beer and drinks taste like shit, regardless of what kind or mix...period!, they taste like ass and the feeling that you get from them only makes us regret what we said or did the night before  if we can remember what was said or done?   There's a time for everything and drinking is ok if you can moderate, too many stories of the inability to moderate and then get out and try to drive the streets  which is another story altogether.

I am so glad that I don't have to worry about this anymore, never truly had a problem with it but could see one brewing if I wasn't careful and diligent with my own honesty about the potential to be one of those guys who drinks too much and fucks up  his life too much, I don't need the help,I'm capable of making my own mistakes without the assistance of alcohol God knows I've tried to sabotage the goodness I have and am capable of producing, and need no further assistance in the process. Looking forward to another great day and a ride,breakfast,the gym and a great day spent with my Terria to enjoy and hold the goodness ever closer to me!!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Very Proud of Braz!

                                            Braz pictured top Left..So Proud Son!
This picture makes mom and dad very proud and knowing he's in harms way doesn't make it easier but knowing he's loving what he does and representing this country like his Grandfathers all did is a very defining Moment for us a s parents. Our Boy no longer little, I met Braz and Ty as 5-6 year old and became step dad to them, essentially taught them everything I knew to make their childhood more fulfilling and taught them right from wrong and the ethical way to treat others. God has blessed me with 3 boys, and I enjoy every bot of them, even the hard times and the crazy things that they do. Now they are grown as 25, 19, and 18 year olds and have forged onward in their lives. Makes us very proud to see the boys working on growing as young men and learning life on a daily basis. Thanks Braz and all the troops for the sacrifices that you put in for all of us. Hoping that this meaning less war is over soon and we can bring all of you home soon

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Alive And Kicking

Feeling really tired today, too much pool and gym the last week has really worn me down! Will I, not a chance I like the feeling of having a sore body if not minor pains ands ailments, Keeps me grounded !As for the day It is going to be warm and humid again but we cannot complain, this is very mild in comparison to most places in the country and I understand why we pay so much for everything in Southern California... The Weather

A whole lot of stuff going on in the world, don't get me started on the wars and the ongoing bullshit that continues to occur. But that's for another day and time, that stuff will continue with or without my concern. The debt ceiling crap is also a very important dog and pony show that will probably see the Democrats give in and give away the house to get the Republicans to agree to something. such a tired adage of no taxes and smaller government , while they use the rhetoric and ideology, the country falls further into trouble and they continue using their outdated methodology of thinking while the country falls further into debt while the Rich continue to NOT pay their fair share of taxes....oh well fuck em all I say!!!!

I have so many things to gripe about but really don't want to waste too much energy, the important thing is that my world is golden and have nothing to complain about, the world outside my own is a different story altogether. People are so funny to me, the fact that there are so many factions of stupidity is amazing to me!! i scratch my head at the political nonsense that's going on which explains the fact that i have never voter or even registered, cannot be a part of that hypocrisy even though people say it is an American right, to me it's the same a pro life versus pro choice, let me choose whatever the hell I want to do and let the people who need to judge do their job, not the commoners and regular dumbasses who carry around bibles saying their saved! Saved from what, themselves, their false sense of security and prosperity and a belonging to something that is very personal, but they have to make sure the cameras are running and the stickers on the car to indicate"I'm saved and better than you who is not" Fuck that crap! Grandstanding Christians are the most dangerous people in the world, look at the Republican base of things, those are dog shit choices if i were a Republican, but I'm neither,I just govern under the rules of common sense and the golden rule and the simplest ways to treat people well, be treated equally well and be honest in my efforts to do so.

So much for letting it go and not venting upon the worldly issues of the day, but what the hell am I supposed to do, I can bore myself to death speaking of how awesome my life is and how wonderful my wife is all of the time, i do that incrementally and in smaller doses that maybe I should, but know that I am in a great place with great people and have the answers to most of the issues that arise on a given day with the aforementioned common sense and a little higher than normal life IQ and social skills. Life Isn't that difficult until we make it so. A good day and great time to be alive and well, Beats the Piss out of the alternative.... right!!!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Mind, My body, My views....My My My!

Feeling a little worn out today from too much pool time last night at the gym, even the Spa didn't help afterwards, just made me more tired is all!   Terria finished round one of the planter beds and just received a picture text indicating that round two is nearly complete, all that's missing are the flowers and plants, maybe even a smallish tree of some sort?? The yard is taking shape and the day is looking like a nice one so far with the sun beaming down and looking like a mid 70's day here in the Nard.

I am glad to feel like writing right now, been awhile since I've been freely able to come here and scribe something that wasn't somewhat forced and thought about too heavily, this morning feel like spewing a little Gregasaurus madness, or whatever 830 am can muster up which may not be too much but something nonetheless! Yeah still trying to get into my second cup of coffee, the first one was done perfectly by Terria on my way to work. Thanks for the wake up call BTW!

Day three of eating better and feeling better already , slept really well last night even with the Sciatica still flaring up at times, more at odd times and really can't gauge as to the severity, just fighting through it and stretching it as much as possible and working it out daily. Truly hoping the thing settles down before we leave for Chicago next Thursday but will deal with whatever i have going by then. Whatever the case may be I expect this trip like all of our others will produce some really good times and allow the chance to see and do things we have never done before , in a place that we've never been, next stop New York!

It was really nice getting back into the swing of watching my old friend Keith Olbermann and his new show, almost the same as his old show on MSNBC but actually less in cumbered and a little freer to do his own thing. I can truly get behind anybody who exposes the Republicans for what they are, a bunch of hate monger , non truth telling hypocrites who have and will continue to be exposed for trying to bring down the President even at the risk of destroying the economy and the country for their own agenda, which at times seems to be racially motivated and geared towards dwelling on the negative and not seeing the goodness that has come from the new regime. but the fact tat billionaires get tax breaks and we don't is amazing to me, big business really does  run this country ,if not the Republican house these days. but the Republican base is a joke, the fact that there is no agenda for the country but to dethrone our current President. Yes he's an American, born here, not a Nazi or the Messiah as they claim just a guy who made changes that people aren't used to, but with 8 years of Bush's Bullshit leadership and 2 phony wars for his own agenda and gain, Halliburton too, Dick Cheney. I'm all for smaller govt. but not at the cost of doing it right, when the shit gets broken we fix it as a nation, we saved the auto industry and a million jobs with that too but credit will never be given and t5hose Republicans who opposed to relief bailout are looking pretty stupid when the big 3 just made big profits and saved a million jobs via the trickle down effect of the auto industry staying solvent . Those Nay sayers can go fuck them selves when it comes to our President , he is a man of character and a man of his word, he will stop the Afghan and Iraqi conflicts sooner than later and bring back the support to fight the fight here at home and get this country back on track and to quit spending as Olbermann stated ($20 billion) on Air Conditioning for the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, all that money for AC, when we shouldn't even be there at all. Must be nice Bush and Cheney made billions on those wars.

As I said .,I'm all for smaller Govt. but want to understand something before I go, The anti abortion nut jobs, or the Republican base , the biblical wizards that they claim to be,even while throwing hatred and lies all about and trying to weaken a nation with rhetoric and idealism. So by saying we can't have a choice in abortion, aren't they as Govt playing a bigger part in our daily decisions and yet they say they want the govt to be smaller, just one example of the hypocrisy that the far right base is so accustomed to living on a daily basis. Ok, I'm done with the spew and rant and rave of my dislike for the hypocritical far right republicans is now officially over, Til 5 pm tonight when I watch Keith Slay them again and have me in stitches

Monday, July 4, 2011

Music, Motorcycles and Fireworks !

When I'm feeling a little blah the one thing that brings me back is music, the great sounds of yesteryear have yet to leave this body and soul and don't know if they ever will. Sitting here waiting for the gang to get back from the Dodger game I try to occupy my mind and the time with some flashbacks of music that touched my life and reminded me of a different time in my life where things were simple and the penalties for fucking something up weren't as steep...progress I guess?

The day essentially spent alone was actually a mentally productive afternoon, after the gym and a short break of nothing,I had a chance to ride the bike today and get out on the road for a quick spin, for some reason a very different ride for me as I thought the whole time I was riding, about family and the workweek, all things that I shouldn't do while I ride the motorcycle and actually had to correct myself 3 or four times with no panic just mere daydreaming for some stupid reason.The bike rides so damn nice and does everything I ask it to that it seems like a bore at times but looking down at the speedo it is anything from boring when you see it from that perspective, speed has a way of energizing and keeping things in perspective.  feel like I'm actually back to where I was in November 2009  but even better than that, the whole processing danger versus fun factor has a much clearer point , I ride hard where I know I can and it's safe, other places where I would push it I no longer do,  it saved my life on Friday's ride as a car crossed over the double lines to turn into a lookout, knowing this could happen I slowed to a snails pace just in case that would happen, it did, I stopped in time and lived to tell about it, 2 years ago the turn would have been taken at 65 mph without fear of reprocutions,now taken at 30-35mph and well I am safe as a result of this new found awareness. No more invincibility for me, I proved that to not be the case anymore so wisdom wins out.

Actually had nearly 5 days off from work and am truly ready to get back into it again, miss the job and the people and the fact that I am so damn lucky to have a job and one that is such an incredible place to be on a daily basis. So I await Terria and Brandon,Tim and Ape coming home from LA.the stopped at Tommy's for round 2 of chili dogs and heartburn,I stayed home to watch the Dogs during the firecrackers as they get upset, not too bad tonight but there were rattled a bit, and the fact that I refuse to watch the Dodgers until they change ownership and  get rid of the jackass Mccourt running the team and robbing the city and their fans of the great tradition that we have had since they left Brooklyn. So the team will be sold eventually and things will get better and everybody will be happy again. So work in the morning and gym afterwards then we see what we shall see..Good days ahead!

Yazoo - 04 Midnight (Live on The Tube)

Damn Incredible Song!!! the great art of regret is a horrible thing to live with!

Yazoo Reconnected - Don't Go (2008)

WOW! what an incredible voice and sound

Alison Moyet performs Situation

One of the best 20 best songs I Alison Moyet, also know as the lead singer for Yaz(Yazoo)

Depeche Mode "A Question Of Lust (minimal)" video

Amazing Song, one of few that I can handle from Depeche Mode!!!

Where I am Today

Happy 4th to everybody, a very special day traditionally around the country for most. Today we head to LA to watch a Dodger game this evening and apparently a nice fireworks show afterwards. So far I haven't accomplished anything, just lazy to get to the gym and get that over with. After the gym I had planned a motorcycle Ride  but seem to lack the energy or desire to head out on bike. Whatever the day shall bring it is supposed to be in the 80's so that's a good thing for sure.

mentioning earlier that my reading has stopped for some reason, don't know why but the frenzy of reading has subsided and I have 6 really good new books to read that are a must read for me but something inside is keeping me from doing it all, some sort of block or something that  I have created in my mind  but whatever it is shall pass soon I hope.

About 10 days before we take out trip to the Midwest and see some really cool things for the first time and have a photo journal to remind us of the trip. This trip is our 10 year anniversary to each other and will be able to incorporate a few Baseball games along with some driving an some shopping and eating at a really nice restaurant of one of our favorite chef's Michael Symon. so the summer is here ,TErria out of school for another 2 months and we get to enjoy the summer and each others company freely for the next 2 months.

As well as reading , the writing block has continued to hang over my head and haven't found any intrigue in my writing lately, the story telling is ok but  the real crux of what I do is as has been a bit flat lately, it happens and I know it will come back but here must be something going on in the brain that has slowed my thoughts down a bit and made me less interesting here lately and that's all good as I know the magic will return sooner than later! Well the gym is screaming at me and I do not want to go but must attempt a workout since yesterday was a free day off after gong twice on Saturday and dying for it yesterday. So alls well in our lives, the typical life things that we cannot control ,but will always be concerned about the things we can affect, and the things we cannot must be released from our burdens. Wishing everybody an incredible holiday weekend!!! Good Days!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Duran Duran - Save A Prayer (Live 1984)

So Funny, or moreso ironic that my favorite song By Duran Duran was this very song, not only was I listening to this song when my I got the call that my dad had passed away but sharing the namesake Duran and the fact that this song still brings a smile and a tear at the same time . This truly reminds me of my father, the bittersweet upbringing and the goodness in his heart coupled with the rough life he had that was translated to some rough parenting, but always knew how to show his love through it all. Yeah I miss Dad but knowing that his time was served, and he worried endlessly and now no longer does anything but what people do after they passon? The great unknown that we must all venture towards, just trying to make everyday count and never want to look back and question myself in regards to attempting to live a full life, one that my father was not able to fulfill entirely. so we see what is around the next corner and fear not being disappointed, but fear missing taking my swings in the biggest at bat we call life and all its grandeur!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

'Before The End' Live ~ Levellers

The Best live show I've ever witnessed were the 2 Levellers concerts I attended during the mid 90's

Levellers - 15 Years (Live)

The best band nobody ever heard of, These guys make U2 look like a garage band

Friday, July 1, 2011

Little Bit of Everything tonight?

Well Today felt like a Saturday and being Friday I am totally lost and was reminded since I took most of yesterday off I am a day off from my routine. Friday off today and a busy day planned for the Saturday bell for sure. The gym and hopefully some gardening and a flower bed later we can plant some flowers and maybe a plant of 2.  Today wore me out, the gym and the the motorcycle ride are a good mix but being in the 80's here in the Nard and 95 around the lake on the bike ride has taken it's toll today.

The Sciatic is feeling much better and manageable these days, even went out to the school and played catch and pepper with Brandoni today, so much fun and actually been 2 years since I've touched a Baseball or a bat, after 5 minutes and about 20 throws I figured out how the newborn calf is supposed to do it, so awkward but it all came back to me. Now the arm and shoulder are sore but a good soreness that brings a smile to my face!

Sunday we are going into the inland empire  just outside of LA to watch a play that my brother in laws niece in acting in, not much for the arts at all but will enjoy the great company of Wifey and the brother in law and his family, all great people to spend a day with. The weather is getting warmer and it is riding time for me, the hotter the better , the tires get stickier and the lean angle more radical, had a great ride today and am enjoying the more nimble ,yet less powerful Ducati but dammit I love this bike and hope it holds up and proves to be trouble free and maintenance easy for me and Brandon to work on, actually Brandon, I don't work on shit, nor do I rarely clean and shine my shit either, Brandon usually details it when it gets a little untidy!

Tonight we watched an amazing movie "Absolute Power" by Clint Eastwood , so damn good and really riveting and made in 97, surprise to me that I haven't sen it yet but am so glad we did. Actually brought to light by Michael oddly enough which we cannot remember the point of him bringing the movie up as it pertained to our therapy session but it did have a bit of relevance we just need to ask him to remind us what it was??

Last night was a very nice and quiet anniversary for us, not being the corny romanticist and doing the solo dinner act, we invited the people that we love the most and those who we wanted to share the incredible 10 year mark with. we had Tim and April, Richard and Susan and the Boy Brandon to share the joys we are feeling today, not much into buying gifts and over stating the love with gifts, we share the best gift of all, love and respect for one another and never forget that nothing is too small or unimportant to recognize in each others lives. Stagnation will occur, it never had to this point and the  words "I love you" are meaningless without the actions that precede and follow the words. Terria and I have shared so much goodness and have so much more to give and to share with each other that it boggles the mind to think about it at times! It's never easy, but it's never hard to maintain and continue what we have going here, sometimes it's easy to assume that when you see two people so good to each other and so in tuned that it comes easy, it doesn't trust me , there is so much dialogue and listening that goes on and the thoughts of simplicity in this relationship are non residents when it comes to Terria and I. I am so blessed to be accepted for who i am, the complex, at times hard to figure out smart ass who always has a word to say ,if not the last word but nevertheless generally never shut up and for that I admire my Wife for being such a trooper when it comes to dealing with my arrogant ,cocky and witty demeanor that never takes a day off. People at work always ask me when am i ever angry, or in a bad mood, can't answer that question...I got it like that! Fuck Yeah I do!

The Breaks

Can't find "the Breaks" on CD so I go to you tube to find my lost classics.I love this song, album and Suzanne Jerome Taylor!!! YIKES!!!