Saturday, April 16, 2011

Slow Days Indeed

Been a few since last posting anything on here, not much really to talk about, have a weekend of fun and frolic planned ,Golf ,Motorcycle and Gym and the other usual activities will envelope the weekend, throw in a nice dinner or two and there you have it. Sorry Terria not much to write about but am enjoying my books that I have been reading over the past month and really giving me more to think about. I truly believe that our President has his hands full with the religious right jackoffs who just have their own agenda of ideology and no common sense. I for one do not mind paying taxes if it means having roads and public education, but the republican'ts see this as Socialism, same tired old arguments and yet have no solutions but to cut taxes and watch the country whittle away. Oh well, I'm off to start my great day with my wife and see where it really takes sus today, plans are nicer, flying by the seat of my pants is sometimes nicer!

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