Monday, April 4, 2011

The Daily Dose Of Mondays

After a very uneventful weekend almost a relief to be back at work, No don't take offense to that comment Terria just nice to have something to do and not as much free time to ponder what we will do all of the time! Lesson # 3 for Terria at the Golf course and ready for her first attempt on the greens this Friday with Tim and Tommy, a great 4-some and a chance for Terria to see what this great game is all about. Sunday was a very lazy day, took everything i had to get the energy to go for a ride and then to push ourselves for an after 6 pm run to the gym. The ride around the lake was an effortless jaunt where the speed was up and the caution was as well, since the accident i pick my spots to hit it hard and know that road like the back of my hand and know where to push and where to back off a bit. Did hook up with a rider or two on the Lake, one was slow, the other was fast ,still my instincts always tell me to pass and get them out of the way, i chose to sit behind and observe on this day and my better judgement paid off in the forms of a safe ride home. But back in the day i would have passed and checked out, but had fun following a slower rider and was able to enjoy watching somebody else lean in front of me, I've been told that riding behind me is like watching a runaway bus going downhill, pretty funny!  The week takes Terria back to school from her spring break and allows her to get back into the routine of it all. A nice departure from having too much time on our hands. I really look forward to the summer time when i can ride and golf after work whenever i want and to be able to take my wife with my on the golf course is an added bonus. Hope she hits the new Pings we got her better than ever and she is really progressing in her lessons and hitting the ball more solid every day! The workday is started and very little going on , we have 3 people out of the office today and  have front desk duty most of the day and won't take a lunch til after 1230, which will probably take me to the driving range here on base for a round of working on my game and making solid contact a more consistent event. The weather is great here today and i feel like not being here today but knowing we have some people absent today made me come in. tomorrow I get off , picking up Brandon from LAX after his trip to Seattle to visit his mom, the Southwest Planes are still grounding pending further inspections of their fleet of 737 which is alright by me as long as it gets our boy home safely . So the rest of the day is in front of me and the past is the past, trying to figure out something to bring up on Thursday when we visit Michael but am drawing a blank at this time, I'm sure we can muster up something regarding the topics in our lives and the pains of yesterdays gone by, we live and we grow and build upon this growth each and every day! good Days and Better tomorrows      

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