Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Deep Breath Of Goodness

The worlds a crazy place these days and all is not well globally. However I can say that my smallish corner of the globe is really rotating smoothly on it's axis and it feels really good these days! So much drama going on around us all and so many unhappy people amongst our grips, some friends, family and siblings seemingly have it hard right now. I guess there is a reason for my complexities , and the fact that i can truly say, i get my shit done, my dirty laundry cleaned and the mud off of my face. The past year and a half has brought me a boat load of issues, all manageable and all taken care of yet the troubles around me will always be there. This i cannot control, the lives and issues of others must be pushed back in the fray and allow myself to not get caught up in the whirlwind of other people's life. Not that i stopped caring, just stopped trying to fix everybody and have things to say and share to help others get on track, not my job to fix, just to listen and take it all in and at times  say thank you God for letting this not be ME! Selfish as that sounds i feel i have paid my due to the world. by caring, giving ,loving and doing al that I could to help others, comes a point in peoples lives when the need to learn to help themselves, otherwise my help goes on deaf ears.  When you have everything that a man can possible have in life we always , or i always naturally tend to look for more, bigger , better , faster , whatever it is being content isn't always about having things, but for me being emotionally, mentally and cerebrally challenged in some sort of way. i love my life and the things that are a part of it, the people who touch me everyday and the thoughts that are shared are priceless. with the advent of having children have always  taken front seat to what we as adults see in the big picture. Giving of ourselves is the biggest single thing that we as selfish human being must do, to let the ME thing go and to see life through the eyes of those who truly matter. Life is great but i expect it to get better, this is not a selfish way of looking at things but a realistic portrait of where i want to be in the future. If I'm not going forward ,i;m going backwards as I've always said. The things that are immeasurable are just that, i have no way to thank the important people who have shaped my life and my thought process to be open and willing to be even more open to the ways of becoming a better man altogether. Today is a stepping stone to better  ways of doing things tomorrow, i live ,i learn, i love! God Have giving me everything I have ever needed and more than I have ever wanted, the riches come in so many forms, none of which are money and possessions but the state of minds to be thankful and give something back to this life!!

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