Thursday, April 7, 2011

Growth Happens

Made a Twitter run a few minutes ago, don't really get it but still contribute a bit, have a few writers that i follow, Schaeffer, Ed Shultz and some others who rally pique my intellectual and spiritual awareness.  So with the pending Govt shutdown tomorrow and a weekend filled with plans we move onward to the ppositivity that we know as Greg's Life.  Have a viewing of a family friend who recently passed and a funeral tomorrow, Golf with terria and the boys tomorrow if the rain stays away and then a nice trip to Roscoe's Chicken and waffles for my Niece Kristen's 18th birthday dinner/lunch/breakfast, don't know what time yet. Then make time to watch the final 2 rounds of the Masters golf tourney on the tube. Tomorrow is an off Friday for me and I will kick off my busy weekend with an early trip to the gym and prepare for the funeral later on in the day at 1. we have a tentative T-time at 330 and will play if it doesn't rain s thats a 50/50 proposition at the weather mans beck and call. The workday is really slow and not a whole lot going on , finished another book and am starting another ,"Idiot America" so far really good and a good find, Republican Gomorrah was a great book that i just finished , trying to read more and keep my mind working in a positive manner  and keeping the wheels of this mind lubed and primed and ready to fire away when needed! Richard brough in his baby girl Lylee in to work today, adorable and such pinchable cheeks...and i did thank you very much. Good to see him with his girl and knowing he has a fight on his hands for custody with the baby's mother. So much to fight for but so much to lose as well. i wish him well in his struggles to find reason with a Narcissistic person such as she is. So my day is nearig the lunch bell, not knowing what i will do or what i will eat if anything at all. nothing really toucheds my palate as being good to eat right now but it is an early 330 day for me and i get to go to the gym after work and then go to the viewing in Camarillo. THe viewing will be at conejo park where my father is buried and i might take a trip to see my dad for a bit, always weird to go back there and feel the pains and aches that i felt some 27 years ago, but we have progressed and moved on and now that life has taken over and put us in places we never imagined traversing towards we live and learn and prosper with the diversity we call our lives. A great place to be and a great patter of growth and true love for a man who has it all, and always seemingly wants more! Maybe the whole idea of standing still means you're going backwards gets played in my head too much these days. whatever the case may be there are no smoke and mirrors in my life just a clear reflection of who I am and what i have become in the grand scheme of things, Better?, Stronger? Smarter? who knows, but the fact remains, I wouldn't trade places with anybody in the world!

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