Monday, April 25, 2011


After a few days of contemplation and reorder in my corner I will once again try to write again, the pencil and pad just doesn't cut it for me and I cannot penalize myself for what is deemed something positive for me to use and feed off of. THe past week or so have been emotionally turbulent with Braz in Afghan land and ready to fight the fight, meanwhile me and mom sit tight and wait for any notifications we can get from him at any time. He communicates through facebook with terria and I am no longer on Facebook for my own reasons , mostly a waste of time for me so I find other avenues to spew a little nonsense whenever I want and not have to deal with the constant responses on my phone thru facebook. So I have read 6 books over the past 5 weeks and am reading another right now, more about my father and his stay in a POW camp for 3 1/2 years , the whole subject discusses me but I feel compelled to read on and find our al I can on the hell my father and his fellow troops endured during that time, more later when time and interests permits

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