Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Not a Complaint to be Had

Nearing 1 pm and still sitting at the front waiting for my lunchtime relief to take me away from all of this and allow me a healthy lunch. so very proud of Terria and her dedication to her healthy lifestyle and her workout regiment. So very strong and yet so very much the woman who would never want to cross again, and I mean again , never, ever again do i want to piss her off. LOL anyway knowing she has a kick ass presentation today at work and will do well and put people in their respective places, such the fighter and champion to all that deserve her kindness i suppose. In looking back on things we are all very fortunate to be where we are these days, so much going on and so much has happened behind us that have only made us better and stronger as people and as a couple. I can only say that in my recent readings and research ,both personal and via the media avenue i have ventured out and found some really cool ideas, mindsets that sort of coincide with my own but help me expand my already rich views on myself, my life and my precious family. In finding my was i can look at myself in the mirror and see the person that i want to see and not look away in fear and shame anymore. there is a defining point in our lives when we decide to take a chance or make a move in a particular direction that we can better serve the life that we live. Being that as it may, i have all that anybody could ever want , take away all that i own and i still am richer than anybody that i know, the fact that personal growth and richness starts within and bleeds outward and allows me and those that matter to touch others lives through kindness and through being a positive influence on others. Through my self education of thought processes and the growth of realizing that we are all flawed people, we all have issues and that's not so bad as long as we are growing away from those issues. That seems to be me in a nutshell, too strong, to smart and too stubborn at time and yet have come to the realization that I cannot heal what i don't know is ailing, the broken pieces of me are all too familiar yet never easy to fix and move forward, this i feel is human nature and the facts that are ringing in my ears to be true, we are on way to somewhere, we are either getting better or worse but we should never stand still and wait for things to change.  The evolving and revolving of our lives is ours to own, mistakes will be made and the fact is we are human and we are all broken, and yet so very fixable and the panic mode we put ourselves into can make very fixable very very difficult to see clearly. We are human and we all have issue, i have really accepted that as truth in my world, the biggest dilemma is how to we get there from here and healing be the part of our growth that never stops ?I have come to the assumption that we're all flawed, we are all broken and our lives are forever a series of picking up broken pieces and finding their rightful places as they pertain to us, this is a battle of problem solving versus problem creating and the checks and balances that we self create if we do it properly. Yeah i think too much and ponder life too deeply but at the end of the day i can always say I never left that stone unturned and never going to say Should , woulda, coulda ever again. I'm so over killing myself for being myself and am accepted for me by all those  who give a rats Arse! At the end of each day i realize again... how blessed I am for all the right reasons!

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