Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Born in the USA, please move forward

So the news of Obama's Birth certificate is big news I see, WOW! and we take Trump seriously why???? no really why do we as Americans listen to the most retarded people on the earth and take them seriously. Yeah ,I'd say we have issues as a country and really need to take a realistic look at ourselves and get beyond the stupid ideology and really look into doing what's right for the people who pay the bills, We the taxpayers! so beyond the political stupidity that this country has become, with the Palin's and Trumps and Bachmanns even being heard speaks volumes about the fact that we are in serious trouble, yet we get a visionary as President who is ridiculed and not being worked with and is called the messiah, the Socialist and the Nazi, has racial epitaphs painted clearly to see and people think that it's ok to do this. the smartest President we could possibly ever have is standing up to the continual racial bigotry and the constant opposition to they retarded ideology that the religious right has made so popular these days. Knowing that there is hope, i stand back and know that the good of al will come out and the hatred filled forms around us will be exposed for what they are and hiding behind their bibles will not help them anymore. It did pleasure me to see Lawrence O'donnell hand Limbaugh  his ass after he was spewing about what would Jesus take if he were President, raising taxes versu other crap, and Good Ol' Lawrence used the bible to show the ignorance of Rush and his lack of knowledge of the bible and most other things to illustrate how that side of the ailse thinks so close mindedly and generally wrong with their facts on things that matter. But always being first to throw Rocks in glass houses i see the house of glass coming down upon them come 2012 election time. i do have faith in humanity but the fact remains that there are too many narrow minded bible thumpers out there that have their own agenda and we are not in that equation. so here's to hope and prosperity without their assistance and without their knowledge, for without a conscience and the intelligence , there will never be the headache. good days ahead and good times for sure!

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