Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Something Meaningful

Not trying too hard to impress
Go about my daily routine
Go to work , pay my bills on time
It's what I expect from myself
Credit scores and freedom to buy
Freedoms to sell, keep or throw away
Memories of struggles to save
Struggles to keep a rainy day fund
It was always raining in Southern California

Looking around and seeing despair
If it doesn't affect me , why should I care
Empathy and a giving heart
The fabric of caring has fallen apart

The corner store homeless man asking for a dollar
The girl at the stop light with her hand made sign
To think most of us are a missed payday away
From making that sign and standing on that very corner
How did we get here ?
How can we rise above ?

Should we feel bad for doing so well
Are we deserving of the things we deem as worthy
A place to live and shelter in place
I'm afraid to see what's outside of my gates

Multiple families sharing a garage
Living the dream of daily survival
They park their cars along the street
The mailman comes and can't get to my mailbox

This crowded life of traffic and chaotic minds
Some know no other way than to join that fight
I can run away to my happy peaceful spots
It's a blessing that I wish upon everybody else
Believe and belief and spiritually aware
I truly beleive that I must care
If I stand for nothing 
Than I am nothing
I want to be something to somebody 
I want to care about somebody other than those close to me
Stand for something meaningful
Be something meaningful
The world revolves and spins too many off the globe
I bleed when greed becomes the norm
I'm bleeding to death and I can't stop it's flow

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