Thursday, September 3, 2020

The End Is Now

Trying to comprehend the madness
Separating the good and bad
Never really understand which it is
Can't change the world's revolving turns

Is it political, hypocritical or hypothetical
We willl never know
I can't wrap my head around it
I'm nobody and not supposed to understand

The world is a lie
People will die 
For all the wrong reasons 
But the economy matters

I've never walked in their shoes
Will never understand their plight
Lived a life of total privilege
Yet so many people think they know

I defer to my higher source 
Strength in faith and not in humanity
Given up on expectations of goodness
Each person for themselves 
Let's buy more fucking guns

Too much time on our clocks
Sunset comes as the days are shorter
My world is shrinking and all that matters
Protect myself from myself today

Tomorrow is today and I lose the plot
Refusing to give in the the incompetence
Driving the road clearly defined
My lights are on as I follow the lines

Can't change a persons ideology
Can't change my own physiology
Can't change the hate and disrespect
Can't fight the world of neglect
Can't pray for things to change
Can't fix the minds of the deranged
Can't relate to those who hate
Can't love those who purposely devastate

I wash my hands of believing in People
I see no goodness beyond my small world
There is no beginning ,only the end
The end is now and we cannot stop it


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