Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Powers of Empathy

 I feel the confusion of others

Sensing the feelings of despair and anger

Lonely days and lonely nights

Can anybody feel my fears and pains?

Nobody there to hold your hands

Empty spaces but crowded gadgetry

Filling the days with tired healings

The great unknown makes us sweat

So we hit the button to take away the pains

A heavy load dropped on your shoulders

Not a bag of rocks but large boulders

Sterile world and washing hands

Stay away from family and friends

People say it will be alright

How do they know, it's not their plight

Solitute and nasty moods

Fearful prayers that we hold onto tightly

Recuperate and regenerate

Mind are working overtime

Give me back my place in this world

For there aren't second chances around every turn

Family love and supportive tidings

Tomorrows are never guaranteed , but a second chance is better than none

Running through the darkness of night

Wonder where did I make this wrong turn

Faith in God and questions asked

We don't have the answers but the questions pile up

Recovery and discovery is all we have

Put forth efforts and make yourself heard

The golden rule is how we live

I would do the same as was done for me

Glasses are full as are the promises

Faith in things that truly matter

Family and friends will never leave your side

That which we can't change, we won't ever decide

Sing the song that makes you smile

Let go of all the things that make you cringe 

Believe in something that you never thought would occur

The people who step up will surprise you so

As we descend upon life and living the proper way

We empathize and sympathize towards our Golden Rule!

If I could take the hammer's blow

My head would be the nail and I would allow it now

So I keep on giving to all in front of me

Never asking questions just getting things done

It's not black or white , left or right!

It's giving to the masses who are unable to fight

So we fight on and never forget

The poem about footsteps on that beach

Being held so high away from danger

To live another day and show love to a stranger

Love never takes days off or retires to take a vacation

The gifts of giving is the sweetest sensation

I pray, I play and never take anything as a given

Through all of my flaws I know that my sins are forgiven

We are never alone when there's nobody there

Our minds and souls play tricks on us

Good news and bad news have their place

We are given the strengths we didn't even know we had

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