Thursday, August 13, 2020


The homeless man outside the door asks for money

His clothes dirty, tattered and odiferous

Not once realizing that his ass was showing 

Not to mention his frontal erection

We aren't even in the restaraunt yet

The smell of urine and Feces rise above the smells of bacon

Home base for Santa monicas least fortunate

The public restroom to the not so famous

Finally enter the restaraunt doors

There's a wait, so we leave our name

Back out to the circus as the waiting area inside is full

The same homeless man asking for money again!

The show is about to begin, we arrive at our table

Sit and watch the freak show begin

World politics at table 7 behind us

Divorce court ensues at the counter

The debate of which girlfriend is hotter

As the drag queens are seated at their table

We put our orders in ,Steak and eggs with soup and salad

Food so plentiful and yet so cheap

A mini concert breaks out as the man begins to sing

It's a Beattles song"she loves you yeah yeah yeah"

I never did like the Beattles but somehow respected this fools rendition

Balls the size of watermelons

Midway through the meal , the drunk gal vomits on the flooor

Her friend at her side holding her hair away from her spray

For some reason I don't lose my appetite

The laughter is too much of a good thing

A new table behind is seated, older fellows looking like Mob men

They are drunk, funny and loud, much how I am sober at 1 am.

The gal takes their order and I listen

She asks the dapper dan what kind of toast he wants with his meal he says" French"

By now I'm howling out loud and merely say "Fuck, thats funny"

She then asks him would you like the soup and salad?

Dapper Dan replies, yes ,I will have the super Salad

By now we have all lost our shit and can't stop laughing

The meal ends, we pay the bill and ready to leave 

We say our goodbyes to the wonderful waitress

Walking out the door, parking lot in the rear and approaching our car

Two Homeless guys pissing on the side of the building

We walk slowly, let them finish

The show is now over...Fade to Black!

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