Thursday, August 13, 2020


I can't remember who taught me to ride a bike

Can't recall my first attempt at playing catch

My dad wasn't athletic or learned in Sports

Yet I somehow mastered playing Baseball and riding bikes

I don't recall who taught me to read, a teacher I suppose?

Writing seemed to be a natural act, but I still write like a seismometer

No recollection of numerical prowess

I lost the plot when they added letters at the end of the number

Don't remember much about high school 

Even less about Community college

Never remembered dating  girls, or even asking them to go to movies

Have no clue and protocols and rules and regulations

Was too busy creating my own

Never had many friends I called my own

But I had allot of people who thought I was their best

I never liked going to party's

Don't recall drinking until after I was 21 

I do recall waiting til I was 21 and a half before I enjoyed forbidden fruit

I do recall being frightened beyond belief

Porn was a horrible teaching aid

What I tried to never forget was my first homerun, my first No hitter

Recall my first ride on my brand new motorcycle that I didn't know how to ride

I do remember how awkward I felt popping the clutch and stalling my 505 lb. new bike

The fear of crashing an getting killed

I recall mastering the art of riding fast and hard

Enjoyed my first ride around the Lake Casitas

So damn beautiful with so many places to die

I remember my near fatal Motorcycle accident

Along with the 12 day stay at CMH

I was sitting in the bed internally bleeding to death

Could only think to pray to take my family's pain away

I do recall growing up with tons of love and taught right from wrong

Also reminded of dysfunction and alcohol in the house

I won't ever forget the days my dad and mother died

I grew up a little and died a little at the same time

Life has given me so many good recollections

And allowed to be thankful for some of the things that I have forgotten

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