Saturday, August 22, 2020

Humanity Has Failed Me Now

Trial and error 
So many trials and too many errors
Falling down and getting back up
Only to to fall prey to the viscious cycle again
I can count in my palm the number of times
I had some hope and given it up
Humanity is not what it used to be 
Faith in things that should be commonplace

I kick the curb and somebody's ass 
I fear my rage will unleash itself
For no other reason than a loss of faith
In self control and mankind's stupidity
Push me away from the ledge today
So I can push somebody else to break my fall

Like sitting at a Red light in a hurry
Waiting impatiently for the damn light to change
The light turns green and before I can leave
Some drunk asshole hits me from behind
No happy ending no stop at all
The mother fucker runs and leaves me in the dust
Good thing for him I was going to beat his ass
I would have broken out my 8th grade spanish to accomplish the task
Luck was on his side and he didn't bleed a drop

A new day dawns and it's hot as hell
New hopes and expectations for a world gone to shit
I garner the strength to have hopes again
So I kid myself that there is hope in this world
Foolish thoughts and wayward ideas
I can't think for others or even myself
But there is a commonailty that holds me close
Stupidity and insincerity
Are are the worlds only unlimited natural resource

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