Wednesday, August 12, 2020


So much is expected of me
I expect so much from myself
Yet I don't expect much in return
Maybe honesty or a sense of humor

Too many self-agrandizing moments 
Far too many expectations from outside my doors
Being in one place at a time
Where my mind travels beyond its' borders

Picking up a book to read
The cover tells me something I don't want to believe
I write until my fingers bleed
Looking back I failed and tried to deceive

The pile of judgement on my shoulders
Yesterdays unkindness has made me bolder
Reaching out my arms grow shorter
Expectations of mine have become my disorder

Time and time again we try to detect
Knowing truths and what we expect
Who we are and what we are about
The world casts its' shadows and it devastating doubt

Fumble through the hurtful nights
Failed expectations that cut like a knife
Cheat and deceive ourselves into believing 
Faith in humanity , another lost art

I've waitied 
Become so jaded
My expectation of most relevent things
No expectations no disappointments 


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