Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year

The holidays are finally over and the last day of vacation wears down, returning to work tomorrow after 11 days of vacation. Really want to get back into the flow of work again and the routine that I like so much. The Holidays brought us a good time of the year and enjoyed the family and the get together of food and family togetherness. As the year of 2011 ended I had no real sadness to see it go or to hold onto anything that transpired, another year in the books and another one in front of us to conquer and win the way I see it! The fact that 2012 brings us more hopes and thoughts of another happy and healthy year of living life the way It should be lived, with life and vigor and no looking back at the end of each day.

So gone are the resolutions and the thoughts of a changing the entire world and better serve the planet by making breakthroughs in our life that we had never done before, being a bit more realistic we move along in our continuing happiness and try to be more reasonable i certain areas of our lives, diet and exercise will always be a big part of our lives so we make our daily visit to the gym and try to cook better, healthier meals to try to extend our years to make each year an add on to the happiness that we have been subjected to so far in life. As my 49th birthday approaches on January 4th I look back and ask myself where dd the time go?I cannot imagine this time next year that  will be the magic half century and cannot even fathom that number to be a true barometer of how old I am.  feel and act like a little boy and don't and cannot see myself growing old but will give in to mother nature's aches and pains as a real indicator of what age  really is! So off for a great new year and hoping that we can all meet here again this time next year and do it all over again!

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