Friday, December 23, 2011

The Work Filled Holiday Season

The night before Christmas eve and ready for an incredibly busy day tomorrow morning. Wake up about 8 am and start to prepare the tortilla dough for 12 or 13 people, making homemade tortillas from flour and chorizo and potatoes, eggs and sausage along with the warm torts to make it all complete and yummy for our guests. We are having the nieces and nephews over in the morning to celebrate Christmas eve with a nice home cooked breakfast by yours truly for our family and friends! We were originally planning a breakfast out at a local breakfast house but  was hired as a replacement for said restaurant and agreed to do so . So after a day of short work today, went and bought a few things as well as Terria doing the main shopping for the breakfast and the subsequent Christmas dinner the following day at April and Tim's house.

The morning will have me trying to time out a menu of Homemade flour tortillas which are relatively easy to make  but very timely, so I must reach for my best timing implementations to make sure that I can have 4 pans going at once to make sausage, potatoes, and chorizo all timed properly and not burn anything along the way all while rolling our tortillas and cooking them and sealing the heat in a plate and towel. I need to make 25-30 tortillas as we are scheduled to have 12-13 folks for food, which means 4 lbs of Chorizo, 5 lbs of potatoes, 3 large onions and 4 lbs of sausage  along with at least 25 eggs used for some sort of concoction of chorizo and potatoes and sausage, a nice mix and blend of breakfast foods with my own special twist on each, no recipes, no measuring just good food made from scratch and don't know how much of anything but ends up just right based on feel and smells of it all. Enjoy cooking food, even simple foods or more complex foods regardless it's nice when people ask me to cook whatever it is that they like of my cooking, whether it be tortillas, or ranchera meat, Chocolate cakes or strawberry muffins I love the art of culinary toils as they give me a sense of tension release and relaxation.So I do look forward to the morning meal and know i Will be rushing and pushing to get it all ready for the group in the morning but will get it done.

After the meal and the company are gone, the cleanup and revamping start up, we also have the following day to ready for Christmas dinner with April and Tim , we are making mashed potatoes, Terria and Brandon are making the rolls and the bread from scratch, a turkey and a few types of cookies for the dessert spread on Christmas day,I will make Brandon's Birthday cake of Chocolate Ganache cake and also make some ganache filled vanilla shortbread cookies to add to the dessert tray, after the baking is done tomorrow night we venture off to an 11 pm Christmas mass with Brandon and Terria at a church in Ventura to cap off the Christmas eve night. Then Christmas day and a dual treat of Christmas and the birth of my oldest son Brandon's birthday celebration to be shared with Jesus each and every year.  The sense of oddity of not having Ty and Braz here this year is a bit strange to us all but we will do the best we can without them this year and hope that the following year will bring us all together as a family unit again. So ready for the holidays and ready to spend time with family and meet up with friends, enjoying my 11 days off from work and will try to get in some Golf and a few rounds of golf and hitting balls somewhere.So off to bed I go, very tired and have so  much to do the next 2 days.... Gooooood Night!

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