Thursday, January 19, 2012

Scattered thoughts, Battered body, Strong Mind!

Was trying to input some thought here earlier today and was interrupted, had a few moments away from that thought and it has now disappeared from my head. Maybe the age is catching up to me or the thought wasn't that important or interesting to hold close enough to remember? Whatever the case may be it's a Thursday afternoon late in the workday and I'm trying to kill the last hour by jotting down some ideas, thoughts, rants or whatever I can muster up at this point in the day. The last hour of work is very difficult for me in that i prepare myself for the gym and get very anxious about it, not for the love of the gym and the workout, but the waiting portion ad knowing that today will bring about a good, hard time consuming hour and a half of torrential boredom of doing the routine again. So with that being said the long lunch and birthday celebration for Amber went well, especially and unusually feeling sluggish even after not finishing my lunch and having a marginal piece of the birthday cake, which was deadly and more amazing since it was a Costco sheet cake and tasted like one of my own, maybe even better! So back to my desk and sitting down and wondering why i feel so lackadaisical and sluggish and making me even more anxious about heading to the gym and feeling a bit of energy come back as a result of a good workout.

Looking ahead to the weekend I don't really foresee too much activity, or planned activity, might help myself decide what I'm going to do about my golf game and whether or not to get different clubs or work with what i have which is an old collectors item of Ping Eye and a set of Ping eye3 dinosaurs by today's standard. Although they feel great when i hit them properly when i don't i lose too much yardage and this inconsistency is killing my scores on the course. But that's the least of my golf issues, still baby the knee a bit too much and don't play with the reckless abandoned that I once did, time and effort will point me in the right direction in regards to the game of Golf. Looking forward to Terria's knee surgery on Feb 3 this year and get her in shape to resume her Golfing and hitting balls so that we can play together and hit the gym harder than ever and get into the shape we need to be in for 2012 and beyond.

Trying to be honest with myself as usual and feeling a bit of irony in missing the motorcycle again, it was a flash purchase to buy the Ducati last January and held onto that for about 8-9 months before tiring of riding, it was more the fact that the Ducati wasn't a GSXR and what I'm truly partial to riding, buying a neutered 130 hp bike versus a 170 plus hp Superbike 1000cc beast that I'm used to riding with ease made me want to ride it less but i made my chose and lived with it for 9 months, now that it's gone I do miss the ride of  an inline GSXR 1000 that was so very kind to me for all of these years and helped me progress to levels of riding that i never thought I would attain. Will i ever buy another GSXR ? don't know and can't say fr sure, do i want one, I do but will wait a bit for things to pan out with the house and other more important things that must come first financially. We have a few trips scheduled for this year, spring trianing in March and World and AMA Superbike racing in Salt Lake city , after that the slate is clean and we wait to see what finances and desires will cover for the remainder of 2012. Still working on family and personal goals and getting stronger everyday and building upon therapy and personal gains that I have achieved to date with Terria and my family. So 2012 is looking positively forward and that's all that I can ask for at this point in my life.   So this year is trying to look to the positive and get rid of all the negativity that surrounds the fringes of our lives, the boys, their ;lives, bad decisions and youthful ignorance are hot topics of discussion in the upcoming year, so we venture onward, forward and looking back only to learn and remember how Not to do it! Good times and great days ahead!

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