Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Day in The Life, Plans, plumbing and Parties!

Still plugging along with the daily goodness that invades my heart , a very mellow and tranquil long weekend which has gone relatively smoothly with the exception of some bad plumbing in the house that will be taken care of by Plumber/my boss Peter hopefully tomorrow sometime. A few trips to the gym this weekend and a missed day today  , made a chocolate cake for a house warming for Niece Karina and her Fiance James.The day went well and we ate and had the usual family conversations which can at times get a little testy. Had a really nice conversation with James ' father tonight, talked about some really cool things in Northern California and how he invited me to go up North with the boys to do some fishing and some shooting at his friends ranch in a place called Yuba city,sounded like a good time so said sure , keep me posted.

Set up our trip to Salt Lake City for our second annual World Superbike trip to watch World Superbikes and the AMA Superbikes share a race weekend in Salt Lake City , actually the city of Toele Ut. which is 20 minutes North of SLC. Terria and I are really excited about this trip again and might take
april and Tim if they choose to come along, we shall see but we are definitely going if all stays the same and we are well by that time, or the Mayan calendar doesn't kick in and take us all away from this earth, actually the Republicans are doing their best to make sure that the apocalypse comes sooner than later and they hopefully will not get their way in this matter! Come what may we are planning this trip in May. Before then we are headed to Spring training in Arizona again this year March 22-26 we think and will try to catch at least 5-7 games both day and night while we are there. So far Brandon,Terria and I are set to head out to Az for the Dodgers, Rangers, Royals and Reds and anybody else we can watch ,with the exception of the Angels, don't want to fight that circus with Pujols, besides not much of an Angels fan anyway. I am really looking forward to the Dodgers this year, actually Baseball as a whole will be enjoyed more so this year because it is my true passion, more so than Football and Basketball, Baseball is king!

Going to enjoy the Martin Luther King Holiday tomorrow, Monday January 16 and then head back for a full 4 days of work and gym workout. Tomorrow will bring me a wait for Peter to snake a drain of mine that has clogged toilets and showers and then free me up for a great gym workout and a day of some relaxing activity with My Wife Terria. Missing the boys lately and wishing that Braz and Ty were back here close and safe  but we wait and wonder when will return back home. "I am currently reading the Assassination of JFK, the Vincent Bugliosi  nearly 1600 page journal of what he thinks is not a conspiracy and  wholeheartedly disagree with him , even though he is one of my favorite authors to date, there are so many things that don't add up to my and the fact that I just watched a documentary from Jesse Ventura which catalogued allot of my own personal feelings, I will post the youtube video on this site when  finish up with this and judge for yourself where the numerous errors and inconsistencies just glare out and hit you over the head, but regardless the Warren Commission s still and always will be full of shit

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