Sunday, January 8, 2012

Out of Alignment

Writing tonight with a weird sense of uneasiness, don't know why, don't know how but there seems to be a bit of misalignment in the world today!  feel a touch of sadness, seeing Terria not feeling well with her knee, the new year has brought the flu all across the board to include me and ruined a 3 year stretch of healthy existence. So as the world turns and thoughts of the boys and the injured knee of Terra's cloud my thoughts tonight. Seeing the world in topsy turvy status doesn't help either, I mean really Tim Tebow beats the Steelers ,something is definitely amiss! A little worried about my wife, she has the bum knee and must wait til Thursday to see a real Orthopedic, not the quack Workman's comp doctor who made her so angry with his demeanor and rudeness! So come what may she will get fixed up and her quality of life will return, back to gym and golfing with me as we were and all will be better.

I guess part of my uneasiness comes from the unknown status of the younger boys, worried that the decisions that they have made might haunt them forever and don't really like that fact too much! But the realities tell me that they must live and hopefully learn from the trial and tribulations of living life at a young age. But i also realize that we as parents will forever wonder and worry, stomp and chomp at the bit for we love our children and never want them to do things the hard way, probably since we already did that before them and hoped that they would learn from our words and encouragement and ongoing verbiage of right versus wrong and all the consequences that ensued with a given action...Oh well, I defer to my faith in God for the strength to understand and the patience to stand back and let it go!

Tomorrow should be an interesting day at work, have another state of the union meeting at work and some hell should break lose tomorrow at 930 am. So much apathy and disregard for the blessed right to have a great job and all we need to do is show up and be where we are supposed to be. Some find it nearly impossible to do the right thing or to be accountable for their jobs and selves and take the job as a siesta of sorts where they should be allowed to run amok at leisure. so hopefully the boss will put a foot down, albeit probably a temporary foot and all will resume as usual a few weeks from now. So i attend the meeting tomorrow not knowing whether to be the voice of reason or the voice of doom and put forth my own stamp on what  see and how ungrateful i see my coworkers towards each other, instead of cover for me , we should have the mindset of I'm here to make your job easier, but we all seem to get stuck in that laid back mindset where the boss won't mind and we will all be back to our normal slackers selves in a matter of short time! Whatever comes, i have yet to decide my impact on this meeting and whether or not to unleash and ask for accountability amongst all of the crew? We shall see depends on allot of factors and I'm not there yet so can't honestly say what i will say or do! So the week will be a short one, a 4 day weekend for me as the Martin Luther King holiday will add a day to my already shortened workweek ! Very lucky to and very fortunate to be in a situation as this and do enjoy my time off from work even though work is not a bad place to go to everyday and do enjoy what I do and it has allowed us to do allot of good things for ourselves! So as the day started off with a hint of weirdness, it ends with a bout of bad gas after an evening of Tommy's Chili burger...oh well should have known better but never learn, a good taste wins over the after effects every single time, one day i might just learn the lesson, til then the world will suffer  the consequences of mal odorous smells leaking from my Too much Information

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