Thursday, January 12, 2012

"The Assassination Of JFK" by Vincent Bugliosi

Just started reading Vincent Bugliosi's "Reclaiming history, the story of the JFK Assassination, he claims in this 1500 page book that there was no Conspiracy and that Oswald was the lone shooter, also claiming that the Warren commission was on the up and up with it's findings. I have long disputed this whole sequence of findings forever, never trusting the validity of most government panels as there always seems to be a hidden agenda and that so many people did not like the direction that JFK was going to take the country. Making many enemies with other leaders and countries, the Mob and many wall street types he had allot of people who benefited by his assassination ,either morally or financially gained from his death! so I read one of my favorite authors with the same fervor that i would read a Schaeffer book, admiring the writing style an the time and efforts put forth in writing such a detailed account of one of history's most amazing events. For so many years the fact that the Kennedy assassination is still even larger in scope than the 9-11 attacks on the WTC is still amazing to me. The 9-11 attacks and Bugliosi states really affected over 3000 families directly, their sadness and anger was shared by many but never to the point of the feeling that the JFK killing has on countries around the world, millions of people cried in horror that the most powerful man in the free world, the man who was to change the world with his leadership was cut down in his 40's. His death impacted the world in so many ways and we can really look back and ask ourselves how much would be different had he lived and served out his terms?

Yes, the world was a different place back then but I had hoped that the world would be a better place for me and my kids by the time i reached my current 49 years of living. The world has changed so much for the worst and the fact that we have densensitized ourselves for caring for others and chasing the almighty dollar is really sickening to me. the fact that conservative Christians claim that they  love and care yet show nothing but hate and discontent and saving money is their biggest plea and reason for existence, don't raise taxes, don't provide services for those who are less fortunate than we are and let industries fall on their faces SO that we can relive another depression is their claim to fame, all under the guise of being good Christians and not even trying to hide their hypocricies! Yes the worlds pulse is definitely beating to a different drum these days, apresident who is trying to work with the irrational thought process of the GOP and the hatred that has been spewed about in his name, because he's black? ,because he's all about change? , because he's correct in his stance and that pisses the Republican /Christian base off? I can only think that the similarities in Kennedy and President Obama are similar in a loot of ways, really changing the structure of the way Washington is run and some just do not like it too much. He will win anothe r4 years as the GOP has nothing worthy of competition to run against him. So living and learning how disparities in life,politics,religion and lifestyles don't always mesh too well and people are not afraid to tell you to go Screw yourself. People are tired of certain factors and sectors of politics and big business so they told us so and marched and occupied their stance in a very powerful way! I love what democracy has given us, unfortunately we have to take the great with the note so great and we must deal with the GOP by kicking their asses at the polls, this was done before and will be done again in 2012. My faith in humanity has been stretched a bit but i feel that the lunatic sect of the right has banned themselves from most rational thinking people in this country, which I consider myself to be a part of, the rational thinking sector that is! So in reading Bugliosi's book on the JFK assassination i keep an open mind and respect his writing and research in this matter, this is the one issue that i am ashamed of my country for and about, the Killing of the countries greatest President and now that they are trying to denigrate our current President with racial slurs and threats of harm and questioning his citizenship is a far stretch and cry for how pathetic some of these people truly are. So vincent Bgliosi has me captivate so far with the over 1500 pages of knowledge , information and hard work that he has committed to this amazing piece of history,I shall read with an open mind and keep my previous convictions to myself, maybe even try to read the Warren Commission findings one day to truly try to understand what really happened on November 22, 1963, So off to read I go and hope that this shouldn't take morethan 3 weeks to get through.

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