Monday, January 16, 2012

Jan 15,1984, 8:48am.

The hardest day of my life began on a Sunday morning at the titled day and time, a mere 21 years old and ready for the long life ahead of me. My father went out for breakfast alone that day, usually I was with him but  night of youthful ignorance and partying with my friends kept me away from my father that day as sleep was the thing I needed! As my father went to one of his usual stops, Bob's Big Boy a mere 2 miles from the house he enjoyed his last breakfast he would ever eat.  We got the call that he was on his way to the hospital and that he was in bad shape. Well after we arrived I knew he was gone, long before we got called into the chaplains office to be told that my father had passed away around 8:48 that morning. We were all taken to the saddest place we had ever been, a long stare at my older brother and the first time I ever saw him cry was equally as devastating to me. After that the family went in to see my deceased father as he lie in wake on the gurney, I chose to stay away and remember him for what he was to me, my loving father with all of his faults and miscues, he was still amazing to me and that i will never forget him or his memory, well until yesterday when the anniversary of his passing was forgotten until Terria reminded me around 11 pm, I realized that today was the 15th and had no clue, I immediately felt horrible that this day was somehow lost in the sea of life that we were living, /my father's death will never be forgotten but on this day it nearly was and for that i feel a little guilty that my life has taken that turn when I am so emotionally busy to remember a day such as yesterday?

So moving on to today  remember my father maybe a day late but never a day short, I miss the thoughts of going out to breakfast with him and now have replaced that with going to breakfast with my Terria , after the gym we plan on going to get some food to eat and spend the day thinking about the past and the present that  am so thankful for. The day has come with simple pleasures already, the joy of having working plumbing again and a shower and a good poop are no longer a wish and prayer but an actuality and a done deal! Good times for sure and the damn gym hollers at me when Terria doesn't! just kidding, she never hollers at me, just suggests and loves the way I'm accustomed to. So off to workout, eat and do some shopping ! Happy Martin Luther King Day!

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