Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Book Writing Program?

Did not realize that  book writing program was so damn difficult to find and understand, sure there are several but which one? Maddening as it is to search and research the various pros and cons of this version versus that version blah blah blah! I just want more than a word processing format that the Mac has so far is all.  So Yes I am trying to organize and center my thoughts and write a book about my life and the transgressions,pitfalls and victories of my existence dating back to birth and beyond...obviously!

Already started an outline of information and chronicle the dates and times of events that really helped shape me and who I have become as a result of these vents. Trying to look back and see where the cards fell and where I either picked them up or dropped them but I am very excited about the project and would hope to finish it in time for my 50th birthday next January 4th, assuming that the world will still be here with the Mayan calendar end of the world thing. Preliminary pricing for this is about 35 bucks per book up to 120 pages and I would need about 5-6 books for close family members and my own collection which to date is a couple of Blog books that I had made up. So the next thing will be hard cover, softcover ,good glossy paper, pictures no pictures, who knows? But either way the writing of this journey will be very joyful and painful at times, deaths,divorce, parenting not to mention bad choices and decisions on my part. So the journey to here is a roller coaster ride but a necessary tell all from grades kinder on up, my teachers, influences and friends of the time that I still remember vividly. I will be a tell all, share everything tale of me and the life that is shared with others. Look forward to getting it started and let the emotions flow as they must to be a real account of what drum sound beats from the crazy fella they call Gregory Anthony Duran

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