Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Boy On The Can

                                                          The Boy On The Can

                                  The Story Of a Boy Who Thinks, Speaks and Eats Too much


                                                                                                         Gregory A. Duran

I have finally come to the realization that I will use my Macbook Air to write my book and not some fancy new fangled program which up to the point have been so complicated even I or a trained gorilla couldn't figure them out. So off to the land of simple I go using the Word Processor and format it to my liking which should be  a bare boned simple affair without the bells and whistles, I will have those inserted later and more importantly work on the content. So to date i have a rough draft of the table of contents and know exactly what  will cover and how I want to chronologically follow the chain of events that I feel need to be covered.  I am ready for this project but need to get it started so that it will then flow, over thinking it and trying to get it all perfect won't happen and I assume will take a few re writes to get it where I want it o be. Since this book is for me and my family, to share with a few others I seek out no fame or glory other than the sense of accomplishment that it will give me to finish such a painstaking project that requires so much time and discipline to complete. I have a rough cover design and will tweak it a bit I' am sure but for now this will do and get the framework done and work forwards and backwards and meet somewhere in the middle to get this thing done to my liking

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love this picture!!! My all time favorite...oh! it's the only baby picture I have.
