Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Catching Up With Myself!

Have been asked allot lately as to why I haven't been writing very much lately? I can only think that I truly have nothing to share ,or to say but am enjoying the epiphanies that have come my way that are not up for sharing publicly at this time. Never truly being a private person and always at the ready to share my thoughts, some thoughts are better left unsaid and shared in private. We do have alot of things on the docket for the next few months, a trip to Salt Lake City and the city of Tooele for the World superbike and AMA superbike weekend over Memorial day weekend. A beautiful 800 mile drive to SLC with my love and companion Terria sharing the common passion of Professional motorcycle racing at the highest level is always amazing to us. After that we are tentatively planning a Baseball week in Chicago, Cincinnati, Milwaukee and St Louis on a Baseball tour company for a reasonable price, since we didn't make spring training this year we might replace our Orlando Disney /golf trip with the Baseball tour thing, yet to be finalized but good times either way. Been reading more than normal these days and Reading "Republican Gommorah" by Max Blumenthal right now, really interesting book on the Party that is imploding upon itself these days with the outlandish characters and personalities all under the guise of Religious fanaticism...very spooky shit! Awaiting the new book "Idiot America" which will be a great read as well and essentially will touch on allot of hings that I already have been saying about this once great country and how far we have fallen overall. Well that was a quick snapshot of what i am doing , how i am feeling and where I am in life with my Terria these days, things are always getting better and always a work in progress,. Once I stop working at it all, I am going backwards and that trip will never be made again trust me !! Still working the bugs out with Morales and seeing the progress that i have made in regards to my inner sanctum of Life. Things are great and will get better , the day is young and this life is just getting started so I feel good about it all and continue to allow myself to know I don't know everything and that I am fallible and make mistakes ,all which are correctable! Good Day indeed!

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