Monday, March 7, 2011

My Rock & My Rockstar!

Another weekend gone an some real headway made in many areas of my being. Terria and i baked our asses off and frosted and filled and made so much Bakery goodness that is paying off as we speak in the forms of donations by kind people and giving souls for Shawns boy Liam. I am still exhausted from last nights 7 hours of cooking, baking , whipping and stirring, tonight i have monster cookies to bake, already made the dough and just need to bake them , so there's another hour and should be done for awhile Baking. This weekend and didn't ride the Duc at all, went out to the garage to start it up and warmed the bike to keep the battery charged up so that when i do decide to get on her she wil be ready to be ridden hard. As I mentioned in making headway I think that life is a series of occurrences, some are tests and some are real issues that depend on how you react to them. in talking to terria on Saturday night after coming home from an evening of wild music and drunk kids we had the conversation of clearing the air and allowing feelings to come out, questions asked and questions answered and the whole communication thing being at the forefront of our lives. In lookig back on things i see where i have made many mistakes and assumed way too much and  gave even less credit to my wife than she truly deserves. My thoughts and ideas of how she would react to my honesty or lack thereof has always frightened me in a sense, these are demons that my suppression of emotions has allowed me to see through my therapy with Michael. At times like this i think how different my life could have been had i known what i know now and made different decisions based on my knowledge that i currently own and propser. I see life's cruelties on a daily basis , sometimes from afar and seeing the pains that others go through gives me so much insight as to how i'm glad to be where i am, and not "that Guy, or girl . i look to our Boy Braz who has grown up so much in the past year and through his own personal trials i see where We as parents have to wash our hands of the pains they endure, because they won't listen to our tried and true advise so we sit back and wait  for the shoe to drop....drop! But as adults in a marriage we see they highs and lows of each other on a daily basis, I am very critical of a lot of things but the one constant i know is always solid and always will be is my terria, there is never a day that she cannot kick ass upon, there is never an issue that is un solvable and there is never any quit or faltering in her soul, even though she has been given up upon as as result of others inability get their shit straight and  lack the ability to properly love and give of themselves, i too was in that category and am very blessed and fortunate to be able to fix myself and the right the ship and get back on course with a new understanding of myself and my wife. there are reasons for everything we do and everything that happens is a direct result of what we know and how we grow as people,both separate and together. The nightly chats are a godsend and allow us to check in and download our days and our thoughts and concerns that could otherwise go unchecked and uncorrected. So we are so lucky to be comfortable with our lives and ourselves and have the innate ability to know when each other needs a hug or some space, this is what communication has allowed us to learn about each other and ourselves. I feel a sense of rejuvenation in the fact that people have been very generous and trying to help out Liam  and my sense of accomplishment is high with helping ,or trying to help out a friend makes me feel alive again. I am so very blessed and thanking my wife for her continued support of my  growth both internally and as a couple together. thanks Sweetie, you are a Rockstar to me

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