Monday, March 14, 2011


Been a few days since writing and really don't know why, a touch of indifference or just nothing really to say!  I again put myself in the drivers seat with no steering wheel at times and lose direction and focus on all that is important to me. but at the right time i regain the wheel and steer myself clear of impending dangers.  I turn to my resolve and try to get in touch with the internal parts that at times miss a few gears and try to call for the needed grease to get them rolling smoothly again. In sharing my life with Terria also comes the baggage that ensues, the fight , the scurry and the pieces of yesterday that always seem to remind me of the Greg from days gone by. The mistakes are far too many to mention and much to fragile to place in an open forum such as this , yet i feel the blessing s in my day with every minute that turns and gets me closer to a new day. i search for that missing part of me to stabilize the mind and the heart and answer every doubt filled question that i and that others will thrust upon me today. I again thank Michael for giving me the hope and the tools to step in the right direction of clarity and the ways of dropping the grab bag of bullshit off to the side of the road. Feeling really good just a bit alarmed at the newness of doing things the right way for the first time in a long time or if ever at all. i see and feel the light at the end of the tunnel and the breeze at my back, thankful that Terria is so damn amazing in her support and strength to nurture the Gregasaurus in all of my faults and shortcomings. I see the future better than i see today, knowing that the days will come and i will progress to level that i expect myself to be at. I have raised my own bar today, never again looking back but looking forward and seeing the better picture. I do expect allot from myself as i do from the rest of those who come into my life, my friends are few but very powerful and true, my family is amazing and they are all in the right place in the right time and never further away than arms reach to hold me when i fall, and My Terria is a Godsend and a living Angel that has given me the courage, strength and wherewithall to be the best I can be, because she is always at the top of her game and never lets me down. i in turn will do the same for her from here on out and never look back on missteps from yesterdays broken pieces of Greg. Yes today is an epiphany for me, the joys of admission and letting emotions flow and realizing that I am a viable human being who deserves this life and deserves all that i call my own. today is in fact the first day in a series of amazing days for Terria and Greg Duran. Thanks to God for allowing us the incredible life that we are able to share on a daily basis . Good Times!

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