Friday, March 18, 2011

Humanity! And my tolerance levels!

A very busy week has nearly ended with so much going on, last night put a bitter taste in my mouth and make me visibly angry at the world today. On top of the Crap going on in Japan and the mismanaged nuclear situation which in turn endangers us all somewhere ,somehow down the line. The Fact that Friend Joey and his friend were stabbed last night in Santa Paula for essentially wearing Oakland A's hats , since they coach little league and the A's are the team they coach the homeboys weren't buying the story. so they  stabbed Joey and put him in the hospital, a midnight emergency surgery to stop the bleeding and all is on the mend. Getting home from the hospital with Terria at 3 am this morning and knowing his mom and dad were scared and angry, as were we but shows how cruel the world can be at time. On the flip side of that i baked cakes and Muffins for fundraising again and made nearly 100 dollars today, Angie gave me $50 and the other stuff garnered 40 plus , so i will send another 150 to Jennifer and Shawn today and know that we are closer to giving Liam a chance at a better life. so there is good and bad in our lives and never ceases to amaze me how the differences in our worlds can be so close ,yet so far away from each other. where is the love and where is the compassion that people no longer feel towards one another. This weekend can bring us so many things, we can either go to Terrias second golf Lesson or we can hit balls , ride motorcycles and do whatever the weather allows us to do, supposed to rain down for a few days so we shall see where that takes us and the plans. Hitting golf balls after work and may take a trip to the hospital with Terria to see Joey but am lifeless about doing the gym at this point, feeling a real lack of energy for the gym and the Bally's experience is getting to me as their clientele is really gone ghetto and i might just hit somebody here soon so might be looking for a gym that My Terria and i can attend without being made to feel so much of a foreigner ! Amazing but true the type of people that Bally's is now attracting, nobody hablas ingles i swear and that shit bothers me, along with the lack of gym etiquette and wiping down the sweaty machine that you just used...cmon people common decency is not that hard to understand unless your a Ghetto Rat Piece of Shit! All things considered i really need to quit my bitching and stop and realize the wonderful goodness that we all possess on a daily basis. with my new found epiphany on life and the re-emergance of my dedication to being a better person, husband and friend to my wife and boys i can really see where the above complaints and rants can be taken as negativity, and they are a negative slant on all that i feel should be better and easier to do from the humanistic point of view. But this ME society and their own agendas is the death of rational thought and lifestyles in making our own lives better, but the lives of those we touch even better by caring and giving of ourselves without thinking how we need to benefit from these actions. I am a true believer that God has given me the gifts so that i may give back either in theory or by my own hands. So strange Terria and i speaking of this at 3 am in the morning driving home from the hospital and knowing we are a blessed family with very unique and special abilities to touch those around us. Terria is an amazing human being who gives so much of her heart to her friends and her students, so strong and able to rebound from whatever life throws at her, to include a really confused and dazed husband who constantly has her scratching her head!!! So much love and admiration and feeling a much needed weekend is upon us now. I will get the energy to hit balls and then head home a take a nap with my wife... good day1

1 comment:

  1. The weekend is upon us...
    The mentality of others leaves much to question theses days...all we can do is our part and be that positive impact to those we come into contact with. Life experiences offer the opportunity of gaining knowledge and learning. From this knowledge and learning may there be growth in all aspects of our lives.
