Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I Don't Know

 I don't really know why you hate me so

Don't know why you walked away

Still don't know where you've been

I just don't know

I can't say I'm sorry ever again

I won't ever question where I've been

I already realized it makes you mad

You're exactly like your mom

Too much time has come and gone

To give a damn about how I'm feeling

I never realized that humanity has an on/off button

You'll never turn it on

I can't replace your presence in my life

I can only remember when you said goodbye

Cold, angry and unforgiving

A sad and eye-opening day

I'm not angry, bitter or hurt anymore

I'm disappointed that you became that which you despised

Vengeful, hurtful and holding a grudge

I lack the perfection you so desperately needed

I'm flawed and you knew it

I was an asshole I told you so

I failed you as we knew I would

I should have done drugs or murdered someone you knew

I never sought out perfection

Nor mediocrity, it's beyond my scope

The path of least resistance leaves me alone tonight

I guess it's better to be alone now than when I was young

I know Tomorrow brings many surprises

It sends me into the unknown

I don't need answers right now

I will drive myself where I need to be

For every loss incurred in this life

Is a potential gain that I don't yet know

I have faith in many things in this life

This world and its' people are not at the front of the line

With respect to those I've disappointed

I've tried my best to make amends

It takes two to come to an understanding

But I can't make you feel or see where I'm at

To my kids and little ones'

My love never stops if I don't see you 

My thoughts are always with you

My mistakes have taken you away for now

Again I say goodbye

To hopefully say hello again

My life is much different now

I pray you'll be a part of it again soon

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