Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Something Meaningful

Not trying too hard to impress
Go about my daily routine
Go to work , pay my bills on time
It's what I expect from myself
Credit scores and freedom to buy
Freedoms to sell, keep or throw away
Memories of struggles to save
Struggles to keep a rainy day fund
It was always raining in Southern California

Looking around and seeing despair
If it doesn't affect me , why should I care
Empathy and a giving heart
The fabric of caring has fallen apart

The corner store homeless man asking for a dollar
The girl at the stop light with her hand made sign
To think most of us are a missed payday away
From making that sign and standing on that very corner
How did we get here ?
How can we rise above ?

Should we feel bad for doing so well
Are we deserving of the things we deem as worthy
A place to live and shelter in place
I'm afraid to see what's outside of my gates

Multiple families sharing a garage
Living the dream of daily survival
They park their cars along the street
The mailman comes and can't get to my mailbox

This crowded life of traffic and chaotic minds
Some know no other way than to join that fight
I can run away to my happy peaceful spots
It's a blessing that I wish upon everybody else
Believe and belief and spiritually aware
I truly beleive that I must care
If I stand for nothing 
Than I am nothing
I want to be something to somebody 
I want to care about somebody other than those close to me
Stand for something meaningful
Be something meaningful
The world revolves and spins too many off the globe
I bleed when greed becomes the norm
I'm bleeding to death and I can't stop it's flow

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Humanity Has Failed Me Now

Trial and error 
So many trials and too many errors
Falling down and getting back up
Only to to fall prey to the viscious cycle again
I can count in my palm the number of times
I had some hope and given it up
Humanity is not what it used to be 
Faith in things that should be commonplace

I kick the curb and somebody's ass 
I fear my rage will unleash itself
For no other reason than a loss of faith
In self control and mankind's stupidity
Push me away from the ledge today
So I can push somebody else to break my fall

Like sitting at a Red light in a hurry
Waiting impatiently for the damn light to change
The light turns green and before I can leave
Some drunk asshole hits me from behind
No happy ending no stop at all
The mother fucker runs and leaves me in the dust
Good thing for him I was going to beat his ass
I would have broken out my 8th grade spanish to accomplish the task
Luck was on his side and he didn't bleed a drop

A new day dawns and it's hot as hell
New hopes and expectations for a world gone to shit
I garner the strength to have hopes again
So I kid myself that there is hope in this world
Foolish thoughts and wayward ideas
I can't think for others or even myself
But there is a commonailty that holds me close
Stupidity and insincerity
Are are the worlds only unlimited natural resource

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Powers of Empathy

 I feel the confusion of others

Sensing the feelings of despair and anger

Lonely days and lonely nights

Can anybody feel my fears and pains?

Nobody there to hold your hands

Empty spaces but crowded gadgetry

Filling the days with tired healings

The great unknown makes us sweat

So we hit the button to take away the pains

A heavy load dropped on your shoulders

Not a bag of rocks but large boulders

Sterile world and washing hands

Stay away from family and friends

People say it will be alright

How do they know, it's not their plight

Solitute and nasty moods

Fearful prayers that we hold onto tightly

Recuperate and regenerate

Mind are working overtime

Give me back my place in this world

For there aren't second chances around every turn

Family love and supportive tidings

Tomorrows are never guaranteed , but a second chance is better than none

Running through the darkness of night

Wonder where did I make this wrong turn

Faith in God and questions asked

We don't have the answers but the questions pile up

Recovery and discovery is all we have

Put forth efforts and make yourself heard

The golden rule is how we live

I would do the same as was done for me

Glasses are full as are the promises

Faith in things that truly matter

Family and friends will never leave your side

That which we can't change, we won't ever decide

Sing the song that makes you smile

Let go of all the things that make you cringe 

Believe in something that you never thought would occur

The people who step up will surprise you so

As we descend upon life and living the proper way

We empathize and sympathize towards our Golden Rule!

If I could take the hammer's blow

My head would be the nail and I would allow it now

So I keep on giving to all in front of me

Never asking questions just getting things done

It's not black or white , left or right!

It's giving to the masses who are unable to fight

So we fight on and never forget

The poem about footsteps on that beach

Being held so high away from danger

To live another day and show love to a stranger

Love never takes days off or retires to take a vacation

The gifts of giving is the sweetest sensation

I pray, I play and never take anything as a given

Through all of my flaws I know that my sins are forgiven

We are never alone when there's nobody there

Our minds and souls play tricks on us

Good news and bad news have their place

We are given the strengths we didn't even know we had

Thursday, August 13, 2020


I can't remember who taught me to ride a bike

Can't recall my first attempt at playing catch

My dad wasn't athletic or learned in Sports

Yet I somehow mastered playing Baseball and riding bikes

I don't recall who taught me to read, a teacher I suppose?

Writing seemed to be a natural act, but I still write like a seismometer

No recollection of numerical prowess

I lost the plot when they added letters at the end of the number

Don't remember much about high school 

Even less about Community college

Never remembered dating  girls, or even asking them to go to movies

Have no clue and protocols and rules and regulations

Was too busy creating my own

Never had many friends I called my own

But I had allot of people who thought I was their best

I never liked going to party's

Don't recall drinking until after I was 21 

I do recall waiting til I was 21 and a half before I enjoyed forbidden fruit

I do recall being frightened beyond belief

Porn was a horrible teaching aid

What I tried to never forget was my first homerun, my first No hitter

Recall my first ride on my brand new motorcycle that I didn't know how to ride

I do remember how awkward I felt popping the clutch and stalling my 505 lb. new bike

The fear of crashing an getting killed

I recall mastering the art of riding fast and hard

Enjoyed my first ride around the Lake Casitas

So damn beautiful with so many places to die

I remember my near fatal Motorcycle accident

Along with the 12 day stay at CMH

I was sitting in the bed internally bleeding to death

Could only think to pray to take my family's pain away

I do recall growing up with tons of love and taught right from wrong

Also reminded of dysfunction and alcohol in the house

I won't ever forget the days my dad and mother died

I grew up a little and died a little at the same time

Life has given me so many good recollections

And allowed to be thankful for some of the things that I have forgotten


The homeless man outside the door asks for money

His clothes dirty, tattered and odiferous

Not once realizing that his ass was showing 

Not to mention his frontal erection

We aren't even in the restaraunt yet

The smell of urine and Feces rise above the smells of bacon

Home base for Santa monicas least fortunate

The public restroom to the not so famous

Finally enter the restaraunt doors

There's a wait, so we leave our name

Back out to the circus as the waiting area inside is full

The same homeless man asking for money again!

The show is about to begin, we arrive at our table

Sit and watch the freak show begin

World politics at table 7 behind us

Divorce court ensues at the counter

The debate of which girlfriend is hotter

As the drag queens are seated at their table

We put our orders in ,Steak and eggs with soup and salad

Food so plentiful and yet so cheap

A mini concert breaks out as the man begins to sing

It's a Beattles song"she loves you yeah yeah yeah"

I never did like the Beattles but somehow respected this fools rendition

Balls the size of watermelons

Midway through the meal , the drunk gal vomits on the flooor

Her friend at her side holding her hair away from her spray

For some reason I don't lose my appetite

The laughter is too much of a good thing

A new table behind is seated, older fellows looking like Mob men

They are drunk, funny and loud, much how I am sober at 1 am.

The gal takes their order and I listen

She asks the dapper dan what kind of toast he wants with his meal he says" French"

By now I'm howling out loud and merely say "Fuck, thats funny"

She then asks him would you like the soup and salad?

Dapper Dan replies, yes ,I will have the super Salad

By now we have all lost our shit and can't stop laughing

The meal ends, we pay the bill and ready to leave 

We say our goodbyes to the wonderful waitress

Walking out the door, parking lot in the rear and approaching our car

Two Homeless guys pissing on the side of the building

We walk slowly, let them finish

The show is now over...Fade to Black!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


So much is expected of me
I expect so much from myself
Yet I don't expect much in return
Maybe honesty or a sense of humor

Too many self-agrandizing moments 
Far too many expectations from outside my doors
Being in one place at a time
Where my mind travels beyond its' borders

Picking up a book to read
The cover tells me something I don't want to believe
I write until my fingers bleed
Looking back I failed and tried to deceive

The pile of judgement on my shoulders
Yesterdays unkindness has made me bolder
Reaching out my arms grow shorter
Expectations of mine have become my disorder

Time and time again we try to detect
Knowing truths and what we expect
Who we are and what we are about
The world casts its' shadows and it devastating doubt

Fumble through the hurtful nights
Failed expectations that cut like a knife
Cheat and deceive ourselves into believing 
Faith in humanity , another lost art

I've waitied 
Become so jaded
My expectation of most relevent things
No expectations no disappointments 


Monday, August 3, 2020

Picking Through The Garbage

Rummaging through the garage tonight
I came upon a sunken and hidden treasure 
Maybe it was a waste land of old memories
A junkyard of almost forgotten grief
As I pulled down the boxes of old VCR tapes and useless receipts
A big dust cloud of paper, tables and loose sheets of fuller paper came crashing down
Not really surprised, I knew what they were
I knew that I would need to go through them
The thought of reading old letters and poems from a dark era
Somehow gives me solace and yet some fear
Trigger mechanisms waiting around each page
Tattered and worn paper, faded ink and the knowledge of my history written in ink
Blood , tears and shattered promises
Dreams of happily ever after diminished by trusting the untrustworthy
Fool me once shame on me, fool me 27 times, shoot me! I'm the Idiot

I've shed some tears and some angry thoughts
The pains inflicted upon and by my existance
I read aloud that random day, March, 1,1987
The lights were out, so very dark
I stayed there and played there and lost at every turn
How could I have been that guy who had given so much
Too much to the wrong person and never asked for much in return 
Maybe an honest answer,
An authentic soul that gives to those you say you love
Asking too much from people who are incapable of being
Anything worthwhile but a nuisance to the world

I'm as angry now as I was disappointed then
Bad love, life and coping skills
Fueled by deceit and shameful decisions
Where honesty was not a word that ever came to fruition
One mere letter and poetic verse
900 more to read can it ever get worse?
Realizing that it was then and I'm different now
That trigger has been pulled and I'm fired up again
Perspective needed to move on forward
All the eggs in one basket cracked where they rest
I can't stay there anymore I've already left

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Remember To Forget

Time doesn't necessarily heal the wounds
It exacerbates them and wears down the treads
Like the tires on our cars they have a life span
Daily wear and abrasive roads

Body aches and mindful lapses
The spring in the step is deflated and lacks its' former resiliency
Holding my book at arms length to read
Did I read this page already , or should I read it again

I forgot the name of that place we go
I forgot to remember if I took my medicine
When is my appointment and what time
Surely I wrote it down, where is my phone?

Once so athletic and gifted with talent
I throw the ball to my puppy
My arms is so sore
Time is neither my enemy or Friend,it  ris my reality!

Saturday mornings early and bright
I pick up the paper and feel and hear my knees pop
Aging is my life's new normal
I stay active to thwart the inevitable

I can hear it all and see it so clear
My senses are sharp, my mind is clever 
The aches and pains that come from simple tasks
The cost of banging the drums so hard for so many years

The salad years or so they say
I've tossed them about like spilled Romaine
Appreciative for the gifts I've been bestowed
A life with love in it and people to share it 

So forgive me if I remember to forget
This world, this life , has yet to plateau
Ascending towards a higher goal
Enjoying today, tomorrows will come