Monday, September 7, 2020


If I looked at my own reflection
Wading pools or medicine cabinets
Would I smile or would I look away?
Tested each and every day

My Flaws are plentiful
My acceptance and accountability very high
To know I'm not hiding behind my weakest features
It's ok to say I'm imperfect
The results don't lie 
Even if others can't see 
I know, I will always know
The path of least resistance
Is the road I have never chosen

I'm the first to point out your flaws
I'm even quicker to point out my own
Too many times we try to suppress the truth
But the camera is always rolling

I can ask for forgiveness and know it will be given
The powers of prayer and belief are unrelenting
As are the mistake ridden lives that we continually live
I am flawed and that's ok for now

I don't want you to be like me
I don't care if you think like I do
Don't believe in the same things that I do
Vote for the same things that I would If I did vote
Just be you and I will fight with myself
Change the things that I know I can
And continue to realize that I'm a work in progress

Not pointing fingers at the rest
I can only pass my own test
I write my book and tear my own pages
Build my walls in many stages
This show is not appropriate for all ages
For my filters are not always turned on

Faults and all I see some goodness
I stay up up nights and feel I've dismissed
The gifts of life and the things I've been blessed
I'm loved and admired when I fail the tests

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