Friday, September 4, 2020

Broken Standards

I never wanted to be that guy
Who looks you in the eye before the lie
Be the person who makes you cry
Another opportunity and another try

Giving back my heart and soul
The golden rule to make it whole
Seeing clearly through the dirty glass
Always somebody's pain in the ass

I never wanted to be someone's worry
Here I stand in my personal flurry
Raining inside inclement weather
The bonds that seal my thoughts together

Falling down and stumbling in
worried seclusion and where to begin
Carry the burdens and shelter the pains
My past is checkered and littered with stains

Not seeking perfection or mediocrity
Not seeking approval from society
If life is precious why can't it be
A life of love and levity

I cannot hate those who hate
I can only hope to have a debate
That being that guy who has a place
To make a difference in this small space

Laughing instead of wailing aloud
Hugging instead of fighting the crowd
Verbal judo instead of throwing my hands
Fetal position on my commands

I've given up on high expectations
The bar is set low for this wounded nation
I remember when we all had hope
That memory crashes on a slippery slope

This place is on fire and burning too hot
We are what we are and lost the plot
I've given my life to see some hope
But we drink, self medicate and try to cope

So much water flows beneath our feet
Lost opportunities and so much deceit
Holding ourselves towards a higher ground
Will tranquility ever be found?

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