Saturday, September 5, 2020

Weak Foundations

A barrage of instability envelopes the mind
A deluge of thunder clouds building up their momentum  
Inclement mindsets wreaking of insecurity
Why doesn't anybody like me?

Troubled people in troubled times
Too afraid to cross any lines
They hear the voices,  are they talking about me?
I wonder what it takes to be in good graces

The news reports another celebrity death
Abuse?  or refuse to seek out needed help
The children are hungry with no place to sleep
Perspective is reflective of self absorption

Shaking our heads while shaking their hands
Self-sabotage and disappointments not taking a stand
Stand up for something that matters today
Lost morals and ethics ,hidden in plain sight

Where do they run to and where can they hide
When exposure is the enemy and you cannot confide
Truths are freedom , suppression is death
The world keeps whispering under their breath

When does it mend its' wounds and stop the bloods flow
Where do they seek the truth and how will they know
Why is there so much pain with no cure in place
The man in the alley with tears down his face

Are we closer to the beginning or nearer the end
We fight for a dollar and try to pretend
They act Like Christians who deceive their spouses
Throwing stones again inside their glass houses

When tomorrow comes!
Do we dare to stare into the mirrors of our consciousness
Do we accept the ways of the world as they are?
Do we go out swinging and raise the bar


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