Monday, June 25, 2012

Pain, Strains and Gain

I do have some goodness in my heart and some heaviness as well tonight! Had a fun evenng celebrating a young lady's 20th birthday dinner at their home, it was nice and we had a great meal and some good laughs. Tomorrow brings us a dinner date with Brad"happy in my heart" Holland in the Valley for Pizza and some reminiscing about the good old days of riding motorcycles fast and playing even harder, this will be a great meet with our friend! Really miss the guy and look so forward to sharing the night with many many good thoughts and laughs. Now the sadness part comes from TY and Mandy, still trying to find their way as a young married couple with a young baby, this will take time but in the meantime will drive me nuts as they continue to miss the plot and lose their way amongst the rational thinking people around them. This does worry me and Aubrey has no choice in the matter , so I sit back and wait to spring into action at a moments notice if need be, I'm hoping and praying that need never comes to fruition. So I wait and worry and  think about my baby and her fate with parents that don't quite get it ...yet! So i send off this evening with a sad story reading sports illustrated story on Junior SEau suicide in May and then try to get some sleep for tomorrows workday.... Good Fricking Night

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