Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Our Boy Goes Home And Another Book Finished

Today was an interesting morning, Our Boy Braz was laying on the couch as we were off to work, I hugged him goodbye as I was ready to drive to work, he rolled over from a dead sleep and I told him I was very proud of the man that he has become and thanked him for spending so much time with us on his liberty from his duty station in Hawaii. we said our goodbyes and I drove away with tears in my eyes, kissed my wonderful wife and maintained a cloudy view of sadness and a sense of happiness that our boy made it home from Afghanistan somewhat safely, having been blown up 3 times by roadside bombs and being struck twice by bullets from the enemy, thankfully Kevlar saved his life each time and he laughs it off and shrugs his shoulders and says "those pussies can't shoot for shit" So Brazman flew out tonight back to Hawaii and back to work tomorrow. We had a great time with him and the families, we spent more time with him than anybody else and appreciated the fact that he slept on his old hide a-bed couch that he wanted for his room when he was a young teenager, so we left it out for hm to use on this return trip. As a Parent a sense of relief was felt as we knew that as a 20 year old man he has seen things and done things that none of us will ever understand and we won't ever try to, this is his world to live in and it' s a scary place to be for him and the thousands of others soldiers who go through the grind each deployment in the war zone. So Braz , we are very proud of you Son, thankful that God protected you this trip and allowed you to come home to us to enjoy your presence, see you in December and take that 21st birthday trip to Vegas this winter time, much love Daddy G. And Momma T

As I write this I just put down the Steve Jobs Book by Walter Isaacson, a complete masterpiece, all 571 pages of fact filled information and drama were amazing reading to say the least. Amazing how a blessed man and gifted man can be so deficient in personality and humanistic and social skills in dealing with the common mind, most of the time seeking out perfection as he saw it and never relenting til everybody else was on his same page...perfection can never be attained, but getting your way and calling it perfection were his modus operandi. The man was a real creep to work for, but his savvy and innovative skills were the overcompensation that made him the best creator and business man ever. The book touched on many of his ideas from computers to iphones and ipods all world changers for sure but the way he got there and the ways he drove his people to find that extra gear towards perfection still helps to make Apple the company that it is today. A great read and a recommendation to all to try to understand the complex man that Steve Jobs was and still has left the legacy of great innovation behind to the current crew of geniuses at Apple. Now the task of finding my next book to read  and that it won't be easy to find something this dynamic, whatever book I read next will make it seem like the guy who replaces, Larry Bird ,or Magic Johnson, not to mention Michael Jordan, a tough book to follow up but I will find one and for that I must head off to Amazon to do a search now, Goodnight and good Times ahead

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