Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Apple Bug

The Apple bug had bit me again, the latest and greatest Macbook's are out and it's like a kid in a candy factory around here with all of the great stuff that I'm salivating over as we speak.  The late great Steve Jobs has left his company in more that capable hands and for that I'm ok with the dude being able to relax wherever he is relaxing these days. Anyway the newest Apple's are amazing and I am feeling the want, not the need to get the lates and the greatest, almost as if it were a motorcycle and I was doing that all over again, But regardless I am doing a test run on Terrias Apple now and really loving the Macbooks keyboard and feel of the backlit keys and raised platform that My Macbook air does not have. choices choices choices and they are all great ones in regards to the Apple products that came out yesterday. So the test run on this platform is done and I'm loving it to death here or maybe Dying a slow one trying to figure out if and which one one I should get, either way it's all good and time to get some rest after that long winded Dodger Game last night, they did win tonight and the Kings are world Champs , the OKC Thunder beat the Heat tonight so it is a great sports week so far and an even greater month and year, school ending for Terria on Friday and so many plans for the summer which we are trying to organize in our minds and on our Expedia and Travelocity. Good night

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