Friday, June 22, 2012

Maybe Texas

The week is nearly over and feeling a little tired right now, back from a late night in San diego last night and a Padre /Ranger game with Terria  so she, we could watch Josh Hamilton do his thing. A very nice drive to the ballpark in the gaslamp district and made good time for the 335 pm start time. The game was over at 630 and we headed homeward around 7 and hit very little traffic on the way home. Stopped off in San Juan Capistrano for dinner and made it home around 1130 pm and then shut it down for the night. Terria is off from school as of last Friday and look forward to a carefree travel filled summer and just overall good times with my wife.

Trying to convince Terria to drive to Dallas and Austin, even Houston on the way to Arlington to watch more Rangers games and spend some quality time watching and exploring baseball and the state of Texas. Actually really want to visit Dealey Plaza and see that historical site along with the games and the Astrodome in Houston. Ready for a good weekend, can't really say whats on the docket but whatever it is ,it aint working ! Tired tonight , Terria just got home from a Chumash trip with her sister and won $212 at the nickel slots! Along with a Kenny Loggins concert had a great day and evening with her big sister!! So off to bed here in a  few and ready for a Friday work shift of easiness, trying to wake up in 6 hours might not be so easy though. Good Night, Great Times!

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